Hybrid quantum circuits: Superconducting circuits interacting<? format?> with other quantum systems
Hybrid quantum circuits combine two or more physical systems, with the goal of harnessing
the advantages and strengths of the different systems in order to better explore new …
the advantages and strengths of the different systems in order to better explore new …
Semiconductor quantum dots for integrated quantum photonics
Quantum mechanics promises to have a strong impact on many aspects of research and
technology, improving classical analogues via purely quantum effects. A large variety of …
technology, improving classical analogues via purely quantum effects. A large variety of …
Hybrid quantum circuit with a superconducting qubit coupled to a spin ensemble
We report the experimental realization of a hybrid quantum circuit combining a
superconducting qubit and an ensemble of electronic spins. The qubit, of the transmon type …
superconducting qubit and an ensemble of electronic spins. The qubit, of the transmon type …
Quantum memory for microwave photons in an inhomogeneously broadened spin ensemble
We propose a multimode quantum memory protocol able to store the quantum state of the
field in a microwave resonator into an ensemble of electronic spins. The stored information …
field in a microwave resonator into an ensemble of electronic spins. The stored information …
Laser spectroscopic characterization of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV−) centers in diamond
We report on the spectroscopic and laser characterization of negatively charged nitrogen-
vacancy (NV^−) centers in diamond. Spectroscopic properties such as absorption and …
vacancy (NV^−) centers in diamond. Spectroscopic properties such as absorption and …
Sequential Bayesian experiment design for optically detected magnetic resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers
In magnetometry using optically detected magnetic resonance of nitrogen vacancy (NV−)
centers, we demonstrate speedup of more than 1 order of magnitude with a sequential …
centers, we demonstrate speedup of more than 1 order of magnitude with a sequential …
Hybrid quantum circuit consisting of a superconducting flux qubit coupled to a spin ensemble and a transmission-line resonator
We propose an experimentally realizable hybrid quantum circuit for achieving a strong
coupling between a spin ensemble and a transmission-line resonator via a superconducting …
coupling between a spin ensemble and a transmission-line resonator via a superconducting …
Quantum memory using a hybrid circuit with flux qubits and nitrogen-vacancy centers
We propose how to realize high-fidelity quantum storage using a hybrid quantum
architecture including two coupled flux qubits and a nitrogen-vacancy center ensemble …
architecture including two coupled flux qubits and a nitrogen-vacancy center ensemble …
Cat-state encoding of a quantum information processor module with cavity–magnon system
FY Zhang, YX Zeng, QC Wu, CP Yang - Applied Physics Letters, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
We propose a scheme to realize the strong coupling between two distant magnons by using
coupled cavities as a data bus. This coupling strength can be adjusted by the parameters of …
coupled cavities as a data bus. This coupling strength can be adjusted by the parameters of …
Quantum information processing and precision measurement using a levitated nanodiamond
The nanodiamond, which hosts nitrogen‐vacancy (NV) centers, has been levitated in
vacuum either through optical tweezers or through an ion trap. It combines the advantages …
vacuum either through optical tweezers or through an ion trap. It combines the advantages …