Parton fragmentation and string dynamics
The quark-parton model is still at the basis of most of our attempts to describe hadronic
phenomena. It is surprising that a model with essentially noninteracting parts describes so …
phenomena. It is surprising that a model with essentially noninteracting parts describes so …
Semihard processes in QCD
LV Gribov, EM Levin, MG Ryskin - Physics Reports, 1983 - Elsevier
Deep inelastic scattering, large pt particle production in hadron collisions and e+ e−
annihilation into hadrons are studied in perturbative QCD in the semihard region of very …
annihilation into hadrons are studied in perturbative QCD in the semihard region of very …
A QCD model for jet fragmentation including soft gluon interference
A new model for hadronic jet fragmentation in hard processes is presented. It is based on a
QCD parton branching mechanism with correct treatment of leading collinear and infra-red …
QCD parton branching mechanism with correct treatment of leading collinear and infra-red …
Parton fragmentation functions
The field of fragmentation functions of light quarks and gluons is reviewed. In addition to
integrated fragmentation functions, attention is paid to the dependence of fragmentation …
integrated fragmentation functions, attention is paid to the dependence of fragmentation …
First simultaneous extraction of spin-dependent parton distributions and fragmentation functions from a global QCD analysis
We perform the first global QCD analysis of polarized inclusive and semi-inclusive deep-
inelastic scattering and single-inclusive e+ e-annihilation data, simultaneously fitting the …
inelastic scattering and single-inclusive e+ e-annihilation data, simultaneously fitting the …
[PDF][PDF] A determination of the fragmentation functions of pions, kaons, and protons with faithful uncertainties: The NNPDF Collaboration
Abstract We present NNFF1. 0, a new determination of the fragmentation functions (FFs) of
charged pions, charged kaons, and protons/antiprotons from an analysis of single-inclusive …
charged pions, charged kaons, and protons/antiprotons from an analysis of single-inclusive …
Fragmentation functions for pions, kaons, and protons at next-to-leading order
We present new sets of fragmentation functions for charged pions, charged kaons, and
protons, both at the leading and next-to-leading orders. They are fitted to the scaled …
protons, both at the leading and next-to-leading orders. They are fitted to the scaled …
Similarity of parton and hadron spectra in QCD jets
YI Azimov, YL Dokshitzer, VA Khoze… - Zeitschrift für Physik C …, 1985 - Springer
A possible existence of the local correspondence between parton and hadron distributions
in hard processes (local parton-hadron duality) is discussed. First comparison is made to …
in hard processes (local parton-hadron duality) is discussed. First comparison is made to …
Studies of quantum chromodynamics with the ALEPH detector
Previously published and as yet unpublished QCD results obtained with the ALEPH detector
at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both …
at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both …
Simultaneous Monte Carlo analysis of parton densities and fragmentation functions
We perform a comprehensive new Monte Carlo analysis of high-energy lepton-lepton,
lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron scattering data to simultaneously determine parton …
lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron scattering data to simultaneously determine parton …