Parton fragmentation and string dynamics

B Andersson, G Gustafson, G Ingelman, T Sjöstrand - Physics Reports, 1983‏ - Elsevier
The quark-parton model is still at the basis of most of our attempts to describe hadronic
phenomena. It is surprising that a model with essentially noninteracting parts describes so …

Semihard processes in QCD

LV Gribov, EM Levin, MG Ryskin - Physics Reports, 1983‏ - Elsevier
Deep inelastic scattering, large pt particle production in hadron collisions and e+ e−
annihilation into hadrons are studied in perturbative QCD in the semihard region of very …

A QCD model for jet fragmentation including soft gluon interference

BR Webber - Nuclear Physics B, 1984‏ - Elsevier
A new model for hadronic jet fragmentation in hard processes is presented. It is based on a
QCD parton branching mechanism with correct treatment of leading collinear and infra-red …

Parton fragmentation functions

A Metz, A Vossen - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2016‏ - Elsevier
The field of fragmentation functions of light quarks and gluons is reviewed. In addition to
integrated fragmentation functions, attention is paid to the dependence of fragmentation …

First simultaneous extraction of spin-dependent parton distributions and fragmentation functions from a global QCD analysis

JJ Ethier, N Sato, W Melnitchouk… - Physical Review Letters, 2017‏ - APS
We perform the first global QCD analysis of polarized inclusive and semi-inclusive deep-
inelastic scattering and single-inclusive e+ e-annihilation data, simultaneously fitting the …

[PDF][PDF] A determination of the fragmentation functions of pions, kaons, and protons with faithful uncertainties: The NNPDF Collaboration

V Bertone, S Carrazza, NP Hartland, ER Nocera… - The European Physical …, 2017‏ - Springer
Abstract We present NNFF1. 0, a new determination of the fragmentation functions (FFs) of
charged pions, charged kaons, and protons/antiprotons from an analysis of single-inclusive …

Fragmentation functions for pions, kaons, and protons at next-to-leading order

BA Kniehl, G Kramer, B Pötter - Nuclear Physics B, 2000‏ - Elsevier
We present new sets of fragmentation functions for charged pions, charged kaons, and
protons, both at the leading and next-to-leading orders. They are fitted to the scaled …

Similarity of parton and hadron spectra in QCD jets

YI Azimov, YL Dokshitzer, VA Khoze… - Zeitschrift für Physik C …, 1985‏ - Springer
A possible existence of the local correspondence between parton and hadron distributions
in hard processes (local parton-hadron duality) is discussed. First comparison is made to …

Studies of quantum chromodynamics with the ALEPH detector

R Barate, D Buskulic, D Decamp, P Ghez, C Goy… - Physics Reports, 1998‏ - Elsevier
Previously published and as yet unpublished QCD results obtained with the ALEPH detector
at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both …

Simultaneous Monte Carlo analysis of parton densities and fragmentation functions

E Moffat, W Melnitchouk, TC Rogers, N Sato… - Physical Review D, 2021‏ - APS
We perform a comprehensive new Monte Carlo analysis of high-energy lepton-lepton,
lepton-hadron and hadron-hadron scattering data to simultaneously determine parton …