Modified nickel-based catalysts for improved steam reforming of biomass tar: A critical review
The gasification of biomass produces a syngas that can be used for electricity generation
and fuels/chemicals production. However, tar is generated along with the syngas as a by …
and fuels/chemicals production. However, tar is generated along with the syngas as a by …
A review on effect of synthesis conditions on the formation of layered double hydroxides
MV Bukhtiyarova - Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019 - Elsevier
The most common method for the synthesis of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) is co-
precipitation. This review is focused on the summarizing of results concerning the influence …
precipitation. This review is focused on the summarizing of results concerning the influence …
[HTML][HTML] Current advances in syngas (CO+ H2) production through bi-reforming of methane using various catalysts: A review
Today, bi-reforming of methane is considered as an emerging replacement for the
generation of high-grade synthesis gas (H 2: CO= 2.0), and also as an encouraging …
generation of high-grade synthesis gas (H 2: CO= 2.0), and also as an encouraging …
Catalytic applications of layered double hydroxides: recent advances and perspectives
G Fan, F Li, DG Evans, X Duan - Chemical Society Reviews, 2014 - pubs.rsc.org
This review surveys recent advances in the applications of layered double hydroxides
(LDHs) in heterogeneous catalysis. By virtue of the flexible tunability and uniform distribution …
(LDHs) in heterogeneous catalysis. By virtue of the flexible tunability and uniform distribution …
Strategies for improving the performance and stability of Ni-based catalysts for reforming reactions
Owing to the considerable publicity that has been given to petroleum related economic,
environmental, and political problems, renewed attention has been focused on the …
environmental, and political problems, renewed attention has been focused on the …
Isotopic and kinetic assessment of the mechanism of reactions of CH4 with CO2 or H2O to form synthesis gas and carbon on nickel catalysts
J Wei, E Iglesia - Journal of Catalysis, 2004 - Elsevier
Kinetic and isotopic measurements for catalysts and conditions that rigorously excluded
transport and thermodynamic artifacts led to a common sequence of elementary steps for …
transport and thermodynamic artifacts led to a common sequence of elementary steps for …
Methane dry reforming over boron nitride interface-confined and LDHs-derived Ni catalysts
Improving catalytic stability of nickel-based catalysts in terms of coking and sintering-
resistance is urgent for methane dry reforming. Here, we rationally designed and originally …
resistance is urgent for methane dry reforming. Here, we rationally designed and originally …
A review of catalytic partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas with emphasis on reaction mechanisms over transition metal catalysts
BC Enger, R Lødeng, A Holmen - Applied Catalysis A: General, 2008 - Elsevier
Catalytic partial oxidation of methane has been reviewed with an emphasis on the reaction
mechanisms over transition metal catalysts. The thermodynamics and aspects related to …
mechanisms over transition metal catalysts. The thermodynamics and aspects related to …
Applications of layered double hydroxides in sample preparation: A review
Microextraction is a technique that can be used to selectively extract substances from a
complex matrix using small amounts of extracting agents and/or solvents. The technique can …
complex matrix using small amounts of extracting agents and/or solvents. The technique can …
Ni, Co and bimetallic Ni–Co catalysts for the dry reforming of methane
D San-José-Alonso, J Juan-Juan… - Applied Catalysis A …, 2009 - Elsevier
Alumina supported Ni, Co and bimetallic Ni–Co catalysts (with 9wt.% nominal metal content)
have been prepared, characterized and tested for the dry reforming of methane. For …
have been prepared, characterized and tested for the dry reforming of methane. For …