An empirical study of direct relationship of service quality, customer satisfaction and bank image on customer loyalty in Malaysian commercial banking industry
The aim of this study is to develop a direct effect understanding of service quality, customer
satisfaction and image on customer loyalty in Malaysian commercial banking industry. The …
satisfaction and image on customer loyalty in Malaysian commercial banking industry. The …
Strategi pelayanan bank konvensional dan syariah: prioritas pelayanan fisik dan empati
R Andespa - Al-Masraf: Jurnal Lembaga Keuangan dan …, 2016 -
The research theme is the financial and banking institutions. The study was conducted in
West Sumatra. The object of the research is 250 sharia banks and 250 conventional banks …
West Sumatra. The object of the research is 250 sharia banks and 250 conventional banks …
[PDF][PDF] The role of long-term orientation and service recovery on the relationships between trust, bonding, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: The case of …
In spite of consolidation of Nigerian retail banks, the industry is still embattled by customer
complaints, lost of customer confidence and loyalty erosion. Extant literature has amply …
complaints, lost of customer confidence and loyalty erosion. Extant literature has amply …
[PDF][PDF] Strategi Industri Perbankan di Sumatera Barat: Pemilihan Segmentasi Pasar untuk Menciptakan Pelayanan yang Memuaskan
R Andespa - Maqdis: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi Islam, 2016 -
This study examines the issue of consumer perception, consumer characteristics,
responsiveness and reliability, and market segmentation. This study aims to:(1) Assess …
responsiveness and reliability, and market segmentation. This study aims to:(1) Assess …
Studi perbandingan kualitas pelayanan industri perbankan syariah dengan konvensional
R Andespa - Al-Masraf: Jurnal Lembaga Keuangan dan …, 2016 -
The study was conducted in West Sumatra with the object is shariah and conventional
banking industry. Study the problems of shariah banking service quality comparison with a …
banking industry. Study the problems of shariah banking service quality comparison with a …
[PDF][PDF] Meningkatkan pertumbuhan nasabah bank syariah: mendukung pembiayaan promosi, pendidikan dan pelatihan
R Andespa - Maqdis: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi Islam, 2016 -
The research theme is the concept of business according to Islamic economics. The object
of research is the existing sharia banks in Indonesia. The purpose of research are: 1) To see …
of research is the existing sharia banks in Indonesia. The purpose of research are: 1) To see …
[PDF][PDF] Designing and validating a systematic model of e-advertising
The paper's aim is that how the electronic system is able to transmit the message and is
considered as an advertising tool, influencing factors on consumer's behavioral response …
considered as an advertising tool, influencing factors on consumer's behavioral response …
Customer complaint behaviors in Turkish airline industry
Of late years in Turkey, the number of passengers who prefers air transportation has been
increasing expeditiously. In that case, understanding the wants, satisfaction levels and …
increasing expeditiously. In that case, understanding the wants, satisfaction levels and …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling the mediation effect of service recovery on the relationship between customer complaints and customer loyalty in retail banking industry
In the last three decades, ample empirical studies have reported the significant association
between customer satisfaction, customer complaints and customer loyalty in retail banking …
between customer satisfaction, customer complaints and customer loyalty in retail banking …
Conceptual framework development for customer loyalty in Malaysian commercial banking industry
Z Osman - International Journal of Management, IT and …, 2014 -
Customer loyalty refers to a commitment of current customer in respect to a particular store,
brand and service provider, when there are other alternatives that the current customer can …
brand and service provider, when there are other alternatives that the current customer can …