Sapienz: Multi-objective automated testing for android applications
We introduce Sapienz, an approach to Android testing that uses multi-objective search-
based testing to automatically explore and optimise test sequences, minimising length, while …
based testing to automatically explore and optimise test sequences, minimising length, while …
Guided, stochastic model-based GUI testing of Android apps
Mobile apps are ubiquitous, operate in complex environments and are developed under the
time-to-market pressure. Ensuring their correctness and reliability thus becomes an …
time-to-market pressure. Ensuring their correctness and reliability thus becomes an …
Semantic matching of gui events for test reuse: are we there yet?
GUI testing is an important but expensive activity. Recently, research on test reuse
approaches for Android applications produced interesting results. Test reuse approaches …
approaches for Android applications produced interesting results. Test reuse approaches …
A systematic map** study for graphical user interface testing on mobile apps
Mobile apps with tested Graphical User Interface (GUI) tend to have higher downloads in the
apps store. In recent years, few efforts were made to analyse the research community and …
apps store. In recent years, few efforts were made to analyse the research community and …
Machine learning-based prototy** of graphical user interfaces for mobile apps
It is common practice for developers of user-facing software to transform a mock-up of a
graphical user interface (GUI) into code. This process takes place both at an application's …
graphical user interface (GUI) into code. This process takes place both at an application's …
Automatically discovering, reporting and reproducing android application crashes
Mobile developers face unique challenges when detecting and reporting crashes in apps
due to their prevailing GUI event-driven nature and additional sources of inputs (eg, sensor …
due to their prevailing GUI event-driven nature and additional sources of inputs (eg, sensor …
Continuous, evolutionary and large-scale: A new perspective for automated mobile app testing
Mobile app development involves a unique set of challenges including device fragmentation
and rapidly evolving platforms, making testing a difficult task. The design space for a …
and rapidly evolving platforms, making testing a difficult task. The design space for a …
How do developers test android applications?
Enabling fully automated testing of mobile applications has recently become an important
topic of study for both researchers and practitioners. A plethora of tools and approaches …
topic of study for both researchers and practitioners. A plethora of tools and approaches …
Future trends in software engineering research for mobile apps
There has been tremendous growth in the use of mobile devices over the last few years.
This growth has fueled the development of millions of software applications for these mobile …
This growth has fueled the development of millions of software applications for these mobile …
Enabling mutation testing for android apps
Mutation testing has been widely used to assess the fault-detection effectiveness of a test
suite, as well as to guide test case generation or prioritization. Empirical studies have shown …
suite, as well as to guide test case generation or prioritization. Empirical studies have shown …