Physiological consequences of doublet discharges on motoneuronal firing and motor unit force

W Mrówczyński, J Celichowski, R Raikova… - Frontiers in Cellular …, 2015 -
The double discharges are observed at the onset of contractions of mammalian motor units
(MUs), especially during their recruitment to strong or fast movements. Doublets lead to MU …

A “Thermodynamic” Model of Central Commands Coming to the Muscles During Upper Limb Movements

AI Kostyukov - Neurophysiology, 2019 - Springer
A model of central commands (CCs) coming to the muscles during limb movements is
proposed; it is based on experimental studies of the nonlinear dynamics of muscle …

Changes in the threshold of generation of action potentials by spinal motoneurons under conditions of their natural activation

AI Kostyukov, SV Lytvynenko, NV Bulgakova… - Neurophysiology, 2011 - Springer
We estimated the peculiarities of changes in the threshold of generation of action potentials
(APs) by spinal motoneurons (MNs) related to increases in the frequency of discharges …

A diverse pattern of the spike threshold changes in feline gastrocnemius–soleus motoneurons during stretch reflex activation

AI Kostyukov, SV Lytvynenko, NV Bulgakova… - Experimental brain …, 2010 - Springer
The aim of the study was to define the spike threshold changes in motoneurons during
naturally evoked activation. Spike activity was evoked in the gastrocnemius–soleus …

Time structure of impulsation of spinal motoneurons of cats under conditions of realization of the stretch reflex

SV Lytvynenko - Neurophysiology, 2011 - Springer
We analyzed the characteristics of impulse activity recorded intracellularly from
motoneurons of the mm. gastrocnemius+ soleus in decerebrated cats; this activity was …

H 波による立位調節の電気生理学的研究: 健常者の特性と中枢性障害例との比較

山本昌樹 - 大阪河﨑リハビリテーション大学紀要, 2012 -
目的姿勢調節の研究方法は従来, 様々な実験課題を設定した際に得られる生体応答の変化を重心
動揺計や筋電図などでとらえたものが主流であった 1-4). しかしそれらの応答結果は立位調節の …

Временнáя структура импульсации спинальных мотонейронов кошки в условиях реализации стретч-рефлекса

СВ Литвиненко - Нейрофизиология, 2010 -
Анализировали характеристики импульсной активности, отводимой внутриклеточно от
мотонейронов mm. gastrocnemius+ soleus децеребрированной кошки и вызываемой …