Advances in organic adsorption on hydrophilic hierarchical structures for bionic superhydrophobicity–From fundamentals to applications
H Li, Y Duan, Y Shao, L Ren, Z Zhang - Journal of Materials Chemistry …, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Generally, fabricating bionic superhydrophobic surfaces on hydrophilic smooth materials
involves preparing microstructures/nanostructures and chemical modification. Recent …
involves preparing microstructures/nanostructures and chemical modification. Recent …
Superwetting membranes: from controllable constructions to efficient separations
The exploitation of superwetting surfaces including non-wetted (liquid contact angle> 150°)
and fully-wetted (liquid contact angle< 10°) surfaces has a long history, and it is still a hot …
and fully-wetted (liquid contact angle< 10°) surfaces has a long history, and it is still a hot …
Study on the mechanism of surfactant droplet wetting and coagulation of respiratory dust: The case of AEO-9
W Nie, F Liu, H Peng, C Xu, C Lei… - Journal of Molecular …, 2024 - Elsevier
In industrial production, spraying is the most widely used dust control method. However, the
traditional pure water spray has poor dust removal effect, and the principles of droplet …
traditional pure water spray has poor dust removal effect, and the principles of droplet …
Influence of surface texture of electric discharge machined Ti6Al4V on the surface wettability
B Kuriachen - Precision Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
This study examines the effects of crucial ISO 25178 parameters, including height,
functional, spatial, functional (stratified), hybrid, and functional (volume), on surface …
functional, spatial, functional (stratified), hybrid, and functional (volume), on surface …
High speed water droplet impact erosive behavior on dry and wet pulsed waterjet treated surfaces
During water droplet impact onto a dry or wet rough solid surface, several phenomena affect
the surface erosion process, such as splashing, crown formation, and small droplet emission …
the surface erosion process, such as splashing, crown formation, and small droplet emission …
Interaction between hydrocarbon oil and hydrophilic mineral surfaces: A chemical force microscopy and molecular dynamics simulation study
Y **a, Y **ng, X Gui, Y Cao - Fuel, 2022 - Elsevier
Hydrocarbon oil collectors are typically used in the mineral flotation process to increase the
hydrophobicity of the mineral surface. However, the mechanism of action of hydrocarbon oil …
hydrophobicity of the mineral surface. However, the mechanism of action of hydrocarbon oil …
Air entrapment at impact of a conus onto a liquid
In this experimental work, a conus impacts a deep liquid pool at a speed varying from 1.3 to)
are tested. An air cushion is trapped between the conus solid surface and the liquid. Several …
are tested. An air cushion is trapped between the conus solid surface and the liquid. Several …
Characteristic rupture height of the mediating air film beneath an impacting drop on atomically smooth mica
R Kaviani, JM Kolinski - Physical Review Fluids, 2023 - APS
Before a droplet can contact a surface during impact, it must first displace the air beneath it.
Over a wide range of impact velocities, the droplet first squeezes the air into a thin film …
Over a wide range of impact velocities, the droplet first squeezes the air into a thin film …
Interaction and instability of air films between bituminous coal surfaces and surfactant droplets
While the suppression of airborne coal particulates with water and surfactant sprays has
been widely used in underground coal mines, the microscopic mechanism involved during …
been widely used in underground coal mines, the microscopic mechanism involved during …
Theoretical Modelling of Thin Air Film Thickness in Miscible Liquids
Current available theories about thickness of air film trapped in between droplet and bath of
miscible liquids can also be explained in terms of conservation of energy. Though the …
miscible liquids can also be explained in terms of conservation of energy. Though the …