Reflexivity in quantitative research: A rationale and beginner's guide
Reflexivity is the act of examining one's own assumption, belief, and judgement systems,
and thinking carefully and critically about how these influence the research process. The …
and thinking carefully and critically about how these influence the research process. The …
The replication crisis has led to positive structural, procedural, and community changes
The emergence of large-scale replication projects yielding successful rates substantially
lower than expected caused the behavioural, cognitive, and social sciences to experience a …
lower than expected caused the behavioural, cognitive, and social sciences to experience a …
“Mostly White, heterosexual couples”: Examining demographic diversity and reporting practices in relationship science research samples.
Social and personality psychologists aim to “understand individuals in their social contexts
for the benefit of all people”(Society for Personality and Social Psychology, nd). Though this …
for the benefit of all people”(Society for Personality and Social Psychology, nd). Though this …
Best practices for addressing missing data through multiple imputation
A common challenge in developmental research is the amount of incomplete and missing
data that occurs from respondents failing to complete tasks or questionnaires, as well as …
data that occurs from respondents failing to complete tasks or questionnaires, as well as …
Reimagining LGBTIQ+ research–Acknowledging differences across subpopulations, methods, and countries
T Hässler, NT Fogwell, A Gonzalez… - Journal of Social …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Inequalities and discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, and sex
characteristics remain pervasive worldwide. Scholars have collaborated to address …
characteristics remain pervasive worldwide. Scholars have collaborated to address …
What counts as good science? How the battle for methodological legitimacy affects public psychology.
NA Lewis Jr - American Psychologist, 2021 -
Part of the “boundary work”(Gieryn, 1983) throughout the history of psychology has been to
divide the discipline into camps of “basic” and “applied” researchers who take different …
divide the discipline into camps of “basic” and “applied” researchers who take different …
Reconsidering normative interpretations in personality research
A vast body of knowledge on development and correlates of personality dimensions has led
to recommendations on policy implications and interventions. However, we argue that there …
to recommendations on policy implications and interventions. However, we argue that there …
Universities claim to value community-engaged scholarship: So why do they discourage it?
With current crises of academic relevance and legitimacy, there is a need for epistemic
equity inherent to community-engaged research. Scholars in science communication and …
equity inherent to community-engaged research. Scholars in science communication and …
Implicit bias≠ bias on implicit measures
People can behave in a biased manner without being aware that their behavior is biased, an
idea commonly referred to as implicit bias. Research on implicit bias has been heavily …
idea commonly referred to as implicit bias. Research on implicit bias has been heavily …
Executive functions in social context: Implications for conceptualizing, measuring, and supporting developmental trajectories
Y Munakata, LE Michaelson - Annual Review of Developmental …, 2021 -
Success in life is linked to executive functions, a collection of cognitive processes that
support goal-directed behaviors. Executive functions is an umbrella term related to cognitive …
support goal-directed behaviors. Executive functions is an umbrella term related to cognitive …