Sustainable and bio-based food packaging: A review on past and current design innovations
Food loss and waste occur for many reasons, from crop processing to household leftovers.
Even though some waste generation is unavoidable, a considerable amount is due to …
Even though some waste generation is unavoidable, a considerable amount is due to …
Recent advances in edible coatings and their application in food packaging
The food packaging industries are facing the challenge of food waste generation. This can
be addressed through the use of edible coating materials. These coatings aid in extending …
be addressed through the use of edible coating materials. These coatings aid in extending …
Advances in barrier coatings and film technologies for achieving sustainable packaging of food products–a review
Background The technology of food packaging is responding to significant market dynamics
such as the rapid growth in e-commerce and preservation of fresh food, a sector that …
such as the rapid growth in e-commerce and preservation of fresh food, a sector that …
The future of food
CM Galanakis - Foods, 2024 - mdpi.com
The global food systems face significant challenges driven by population growth, climate
change, geopolitical conflicts, crises, and evolving consumer preferences. Intending to …
change, geopolitical conflicts, crises, and evolving consumer preferences. Intending to …
Antimicrobial nanoparticles and biodegradable polymer composites for active food packaging applications
The food industry faces numerous challenges to assure provision of tasty and convenient
food that possesses extended shelf life and shows long‐term high‐quality preservation …
food that possesses extended shelf life and shows long‐term high‐quality preservation …
Plant-derived active substances incorporated as antioxidant, antibacterial or antifungal components in coatings/films for food packaging applications
Many investigations have been carried out analyzing the characteristics of various materials
for development of edible coatings/films for food applications. Subsequent modifications for …
for development of edible coatings/films for food applications. Subsequent modifications for …
Recent trends in edible packaging for food applications—Perspective for the future
Edible packaging plays an important role in protecting food products from physical,
mechanical, chemical, and microbiological damages by creating a barrier against oxidation …
mechanical, chemical, and microbiological damages by creating a barrier against oxidation …
Application of nanotechnology in food: processing, preservation, packaging and safety assessment
Even though nanotechnology is extensively applied in agriculture, biochemistry, medicine
and many other sectors, it is a develo** field that conforms to new and more complex …
and many other sectors, it is a develo** field that conforms to new and more complex …
Recent developments in smart food packaging focused on biobased and biodegradable polymers
Food packaging has a crucial function in the modern food industry. New food packaging
technologies seek to meet consumers and industrial's demands. Changes related to food …
technologies seek to meet consumers and industrial's demands. Changes related to food …
Innovative food packaging, food quality and safety, and consumer perspectives
MR Yan, S Hsieh, N Ricacho - Processes, 2022 - mdpi.com
Packaging is an integral part of the food industry associated with food quality and safety
including food shelf life, and communications from the marketing perspective. Traditional …
including food shelf life, and communications from the marketing perspective. Traditional …