Recent progress on superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking

SK Ghosh, M Smidman, T Shang… - Journal of Physics …, 2020 -
Superconductivity and magnetism are adversarial states of matter. The presence of
spontaneous magnetic fields inside the superconducting state is, therefore, an intriguing …

Spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking by disorder in superconductors

BM Andersen, A Kreisel, PJ Hirschfeld - Frontiers in Physics, 2024 -
A growing number of superconducting materials display evidence for spontaneous time-
reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) below their critical transition temperatures. Precisely …

Unconventional superconductivity in topological Kramers nodal-line semimetals

T Shang, J Zhao, LH Hu, J Ma, DJ Gawryluk, X Zhu… - Science …, 2022 -
Crystalline symmetry is a defining factor of the electronic band topology in solids, where
many-body interactions often induce a spontaneous breaking of symmetry. Superconductors …

Spin-triplet superconductivity in Weyl nodal-line semimetals

T Shang, SK Ghosh, M Smidman, DJ Gawryluk… - npj Quantum …, 2022 -
Topological semimetals are three dimensional materials with symmetry-protected massless
bulk excitations. As a special case, Weyl nodal-line semimetals are realized in materials …

Intrinsic nature of spontaneous magnetic fields in superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking

BM Huddart, IJ Onuorah, MM Isah, P Bonfà… - Physical review …, 2021 - APS
We present a systematic investigation of muon-stop** states in superconductors that
reportedly exhibit spontaneous magnetic fields below their transition temperatures due to …

NbReSi: A noncentrosymetric superconductor with large upper critical field

H Su, T Shang, F Du, CF Chen, HQ Ye, X Lu, C Cao… - Physical Review …, 2021 - APS
We report the discovery of superconductivity in noncentrosymmetric NbReSi, which
crystallizes in a hexagonal ZrNiAl-type crystal structure with space group P 6¯ 2 m (No. 189) …

Fully gapped superconductivity and topological aspects of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor TaReSi

T Shang, JZ Zhao, LH Hu, DJ Gawryluk, XY Zhu… - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
We report a study of the noncentrosymmetric TaReSi superconductor by means of the muon-
spin rotation and relaxation (μ SR) technique, complemented by electronic band-structure …

Time-reversal symmetry breaking and superconductivity in : A study

VK Anand, A Bhattacharyya, DT Adroja, K Panda… - Physical Review B, 2023 - APS
CaPd 2 Ge 2 which crystallizes in ThCr 2 Si 2-type body-centered tetragonal structure
exhibits superconductivity below the critical temperature T c= 1.69 K. We have investigated …

Evidence of fully gapped superconductivity in NbReSi: A combined and NMR study

T Shang, D Tay, H Su, HQ Yuan, T Shiroka - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
We report a comprehensive study of the noncentrosymmetric NbReSi superconductor by
means of muon-spin rotation and relaxation (μ SR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) …

Spin-triplet superconductor–quantum anomalous Hall insulator–spin-triplet superconductor Josephson junctions: transition, phase, and switching effects

Q Cheng, Q Yan, QF Sun - Physical Review B, 2021 - APS
We study the Josephson effect in spin-triplet superconductor− quantum anomalous Hall
insulator− spin-triplet superconductor junctions using the nonequilibrium Green's function …