Surface plasmon resonance in gold nanoparticles: a review
In the last two decades, plasmon resonance in gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) has been the
subject of intense research efforts. Plasmon physics is intriguing and its precise modelling …
subject of intense research efforts. Plasmon physics is intriguing and its precise modelling …
Experimental characterization techniques for plasmon-assisted chemistry
Plasmon-assisted chemistry is the result of a complex interplay between electromagnetic
near fields, heat and charge transfer on the nanoscale. The disentanglement of their roles is …
near fields, heat and charge transfer on the nanoscale. The disentanglement of their roles is …
Unraveling the origin of chirality from plasmonic nanoparticle-protein complexes
Q Zhang, T Hernandez, KW Smith, SA Hosseini Jebeli… - Science, 2019 - science.org
Plasmon-coupled circular dichroism has emerged as a promising approach for ultrasensitive
detection of biomolecular conformations through coupling between molecular chirality and …
detection of biomolecular conformations through coupling between molecular chirality and …
Recent developments in single-entity electrochemistry
At some levels, single-entity electrochemistry (SEE) is enigmatic. First defined at a Royal
Society of Chemistry Faraday Discussion in 2016, 1− 5 SEE encompasses a broad range of …
Society of Chemistry Faraday Discussion in 2016, 1− 5 SEE encompasses a broad range of …
Super-resolution imaging and plasmonics
This review describes the growing partnership between super-resolution imaging and
plasmonics, by describing the various ways in which the two topics mutually benefit one …
plasmonics, by describing the various ways in which the two topics mutually benefit one …
Imaging the chemical activity of single nanoparticles with optical microscopy
W Wang - Chemical Society Reviews, 2018 - pubs.rsc.org
Nanomaterials exhibit structural and functional heterogeneity among individual
nanoparticles, thus requiring a capability to study single nanoparticles. While electron …
nanoparticles, thus requiring a capability to study single nanoparticles. While electron …
Modulation of surface response in a single plasmonic nanoresonator
Scattering of light by plasmonic nanoparticles is classically described using bulk material
properties with infinitesimally thin boundaries. However, because of the quantum nature of …
properties with infinitesimally thin boundaries. However, because of the quantum nature of …
Site-specific chemistry on gold nanorods: curvature-guided surface dewetting and supracolloidal polymerization
Control of interparticle interactions in terms of their direction and strength highly relies on the
use of anisotropic ligand grafting on nanoparticle (NP) building blocks. We report a ligand …
use of anisotropic ligand grafting on nanoparticle (NP) building blocks. We report a ligand …
Charging and discharging at the nanoscale: Fermi level equilibration of metallic nanoparticles
The redox properties of metallic nanoparticles are discussed, in particular the relationships
between excess charge, size and the Fermi level of the electrons. The redox potentials are …
between excess charge, size and the Fermi level of the electrons. The redox potentials are …
From tunable core-shell nanoparticles to plasmonic drawbridges: Active control of nanoparticle optical properties
The optical properties of metallic nanoparticles are highly sensitive to interparticle distance,
giving rise to dramatic but frequently irreversible color changes. By electrochemical …
giving rise to dramatic but frequently irreversible color changes. By electrochemical …