Enhancing robotic tactile exploration with multireceptive graph convolutional networks

J Liao, P **ong, PX Liu, Z Li… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
While robotic tactile sensors have been developed to help robots to perceive and interact
effectively with their surrounding environment by mimicking the structure and function of …

Electrostatic brakes enable individual joint control of underactuated, highly articulated robots

P Lancaster, C Mavrogiannis… - … Journal of Robotics …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Highly articulated organisms serve as blueprints for incredibly dexterous mechanisms, but
building similarly capable robotic counterparts has been hindered by the difficulties of …

Johnsen-Rahbek Capstan Clutch: A High Torque Electrostatic Clutch

TE Amish, JT Auletta, CC Kessens… - … on Robotics and …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In many robotic systems, the holding state consumes power, limits operating time, and
increases operating costs. Electrostatic clutches have the potential to improve robotic …

Method for Counting Animals in Motion for the Milking Plant Information Systems

P Kulakov, V Kucheruk, T Neskorodieva… - Data-Centric Business …, 2024 - Springer
If there are errors in the radio frequency identification of animals, during their movement to
the group milking plant, information about the fact of the animals entry is lost. The number of …

Алгоритм виявлення входження тварини на групову доїльну установку

П Кулаков, В Кучерук, Р Ліщук… - Ukrainian Journal of …, 2023 - jujisds.donnu.edu.ua
Анотація Із попередніх досліджень відомо, що у випадку помилок радіочастотної
ідентифікації тварин під час заходу на групову доїльну установку є високий ризик …