Down syndrome: Cognitive and behavioral functioning across the lifespan

J Grieco, M Pulsifer, K Seligsohn… - American Journal of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) commonly possess unique neurocognitive and
neurobehavioral profiles that emerge within specific developmental periods. These profiles …

Executive function in Down syndrome: A meta-analysis

AS Tungate, FA Conners - Research in developmental disabilities, 2021 - Elsevier
Background Executive function (EF) refers to a set of cognitive processes involved in goal-
oriented behavior—especially inhibition, attention shifting, and working memory. EF has …

Outcome measures for clinical trials in Down syndrome

AJ Esbensen, SR Hooper, D Fidler… - … on intellectual and …, 2017 -
Increasingly individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including Down
syndrome, are being targeted for clinical trials. However, a challenge exists in effectively …

Adaptive behaviour, executive function and employment in adults with Down syndrome

B Tomaszewski, D Fidler, D Talapatra… - Journal of Intellectual …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Background Individuals with Down syndrome (DS) demonstrate difficulties with
aspects of executive function (EF) and adaptive behaviour across the lifespan. There is a …

A cross‐sectional analysis of executive function in Down syndrome from 2 to 35 years

SJ Loveall, FA Conners, AS Tungate… - Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Background Previous research has indicated a unique profile of executive function (EF) in
children and adolescents with Down syndrome (DS). However, there is a paucity of research …

Executive function and academic achievement in primary–grade students with Down syndrome

E Will, DJ Fidler, L Daunhauer… - Journal of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Background Executive function (EF) plays a critical role in academic outcomes in typically
develo** children, but the contribution of EF to academic performance in Down syndrome …

Cognitive functioning in children with Down syndrome: Current knowledge and future directions

AF Lukowski, HM Milojevich, L Eales - Advances in child development and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Infants and children with Down syndrome (DS) can look forward toward bright futures, as
individuals with DS are living healthier, more productive lives than ever due to medical …

Everyday executive functions in Down syndrome from early childhood to young adulthood: evidence for both unique and shared characteristics compared to youth …

NR Lee, P Anand, E Will, EI Adeyemi… - Frontiers in behavioral …, 2015 -
Executive functions (EF) are thought to be impaired in Down syndrome (DS) and sex
chromosome trisomy (Klinefelter and Trisomy X syndromes;+ 1X). However, the syndromic …

Executive functions and adaptive behaviour in individuals with Down syndrome

S Onnivello, S Colaianni, F Pulina… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Background Previous research has explored executive functions (EFs) and adaptive
behaviour in children and adolescents with Down syndrome (DS), but there is a paucity of …

School function in students with Down syndrome

LA Daunhauer, DJ Fidler, E Will - The American Journal of …, 2014 -
People with Down syndrome (DS) are predisposed to specific areas of relative
developmental strength and challenge, but it is unclear whether and how this profile affects …