Sharing of location-based content item in social networking service

EM Sharon, J Stremel, OA Adeagbo, W Chang… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and/or system allows a user of a Social networking service to
publish a content item tagged with location infor mation for sharing with other users of the …

Computer system architecture for automatic context associations

SD Farnham, A Turski, DP Vronay, L Cheng… - US Patent …, 2008 - Google Patents
US7343365B2 - Computer system architecture for automatic context associations - Google
Patents US7343365B2 - Computer system architecture for automatic context associations …

Anonymous social networking with community-based privacy reviews obtained by members

JW Ogilvie - US Patent 8,578,501, 2013 - Google Patents
US8578501B1 - Anonymous social networking with community-based privacy reviews obtained
by members - Google Patents US8578501B1 - Anonymous social networking with …

System and method for providing communication services to mobile device users incorporating proximity determination

CS Ribaudo, JF Young Jr - US Patent 8,150,416, 2012 - Google Patents
2004/O198397 A1* 10, 2004 Weiss......................... 455,456.5 2004/024.8569 A1 12/2004
Kondou et al. 455,426.1 2005, 0021666 A1 1/2005 Dinnage et al. TO9, 217 2005, 004.8961 …

System, apparatus and method for discovery of music within a social network

H Partovi, A Partovi, NS Brown, Y Zarakhovsky… - US Patent …, 2013 - Google Patents
US 2008/OO52371 A1 Feb. 28, 2008(57) ABSTRACT (51) Int. Cl A system, apparatus, and
method to assist in the discovery of Go, F i5/16(2006.01) music or other content by members …

Social map** of contacts from computer communication information

SD Farnham, A Turski, WL Portnoy, DP Vronay… - US Patent …, 2007 - Google Patents
US7167910B2 - Social map** of contacts from computer communication information -
Google Patents US7167910B2 - Social map** of contacts from computer communication …

Method and system for subnet-based transmission of mobile station location

T Rayburn, MP McMullen - US Patent 8,000,724, 2011 - Google Patents
The present invention relates to mobile communications and, more particularly, to reporting
of mobile station location. 2. Description of Related Art Cellular wireless is an increasingly …

System and method for employing social networks for information discovery

D Achlioptas - US Patent 7,472,110, 2008 - Google Patents
Systems and methods are provided that enable searches of Social networks by acting as a
“compass” that assists users in navigating the Social network. Individual userparticipation is …

Method and system for associating a thread with content in a social networking environment

P Pezaris, M Gersh - US Patent App. 10/793,240, 2005 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method and System for associating a discussion thread with content
uploaded to a Social networking environment is disclosed. When a first user uploads …

System, apparatus and method for determining compatibility between members of a social network

H Partovi, A Partovi - US Patent App. 12/108,431, 2008 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND [0002] The present invention is directed to social networks and social
networking applications, and more speci? cally, to a system and method for determining …