Model-based learning: A synthesis of theory and research

NM Seel - Educational Technology Research and Development, 2017 - Springer
This article provides a review of theoretical approaches to model-based learning and related
research. In accordance with the definition of model-based learning as an acquisition and …

ICT integration in mathematics initial teacher training and its impact on visualization: the case of GeoGebra

M Dockendorff, H Solar - … of Mathematical Education in Science and …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This case study investigates the impact of the integration of information and communications
technology (ICT) in mathematics visualization skills and initial teacher education …

[PDF][PDF] Un enfoque ontosemiótico del conocimiento y la instrucción matemática

JD Godino, C Batanero, V Font - ZDM. The International …, 2007 -
En este trabajo presentamos una síntesis del modelo teórico sobre el conocimiento y la
instrucción matemática, en cuya elaboración venimos trabajando desde hace varios años …

[HTML][HTML] Short tasks for scaffolding computational thinking by the global Bebras challenge

V Dagiene, V Dolgopolovas - Mathematics, 2022 -
The short task methodology enhances the Bebras constructive environment, and provides
an emotional context that triggers the convolution of initially biased mental models and …

[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran GeoGebra Classroom Sebagai Penguatan Pemahaman Konsep Materi Translasi Siswa SMP Kelas IX

NA Sutopo, N Ratu - Jurnal Cendekia: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran GeoGebra Classroom
sebagai penguatkan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi translasi. Penelitian ini …

Relations Between Task Design and Students' Utilization of GeoGebra

J Olsson - Digital experiences in mathematics education, 2019 - Springer
This study contributes insights into how task design with different elements of guidance may
influence students' utilization of dynamic software for problem solving and reasoning. It …

Система динамічної математики GeoGebra як інноваційний засіб для вивчення математики

VM Rakuta - Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2012 -
Стаття присвячена проблемам, пов'язаним з розробкою й упровадженням вільних
педагогічних програмних продуктів у навчальний процес ЗНЗ України. Система …

The effect of GeoGebra-assisted problem-based learning on students' mathematical literacy skills and learning motivation

M Purbaningrum, A Mahmudi - Al-ishlah: Jurnal …, 2024 -
This study aimed to examine the effect of GeoGebra-assisted problem-based learning on
vocational high school students' mathematical literacy and learning motivation. Thirty-three …