Encounters in a marginalised subject: The experiential challenges faced by Tasmanian health and physical education teachers
Subjects such as Health and Physical Education (HPE) can be marginalised in schools
because they are construed as less academically rigorous and less important to the primary …
because they are construed as less academically rigorous and less important to the primary …
Primary physical education (PE): School leader perceptions about classroom teacher quality implementation
T Lynch, GJ Soukup Sr - Cogent Education, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Quality physical education (QPE) in primary school optimises children's well-being.
However, international research indicates that the preparation of classroom teachers is …
However, international research indicates that the preparation of classroom teachers is …
'It's not a priority': Australian generalist classroom teacher experiences of teaching the Health Education component of Health and Physical Education
The study purpose was to address a gap in the literature and gain a better understanding of
Australian, specifically Tasmanian, primary school classroom teachers' experiences of …
Australian, specifically Tasmanian, primary school classroom teachers' experiences of …
Teaching physical education in 'paradise': Activity levels, lesson context and barriers to quality implementation
Despite the temperate climate, surrounded by pristine oceans, children in the Maldives do
not meet the minimum daily physical activity (PA) requirements. Maldives is a resource …
not meet the minimum daily physical activity (PA) requirements. Maldives is a resource …
Primary school Physical Education (PE) specialist teachers' experiences of teaching Health Education and Physical Education
The purpose of this paper was to extend understanding of the studied phenomenon: primary
school Physical Education (PE) specialist teachers' experiences of teaching Health …
school Physical Education (PE) specialist teachers' experiences of teaching Health …
Recent trends in research literature on game-based approaches to teaching and coaching games
As suggested by Curry and Light in Chapter 8, the expanding output of research on game-
based approaches (GBAs) over the past decade has not been reflected in the expanding …
based approaches (GBAs) over the past decade has not been reflected in the expanding …
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Promoting health and well-being through physical education partnerships
T Lynch - Cogent Education, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This paper shares a health and wellbeing partnership, modelling implementation of physical
education (PE) advocated by the United Nations (UN). The Sustainable Development Goals …
education (PE) advocated by the United Nations (UN). The Sustainable Development Goals …
Preservice teachers' health literacy levels and perceptions of teaching capabilities: an Australian case study
Research studies focusing on schools and teachers' capabilities to teach and develop
students' health literacy (HL) are few. Of the research that currently exists, teachers face …
students' health literacy (HL) are few. Of the research that currently exists, teachers face …
Why physical education is not taught in primary schools: Views of teachers in Twifo Atti-Morkwa district of central region, Ghana
The physical, social and emotional benefits of Physical Education (PE) have been well
established. Nevertheless, the subject is mostly either not taught at all or not taught well by …
established. Nevertheless, the subject is mostly either not taught at all or not taught well by …
초임교사의 체육 교육과정 실행 전문성 개발을 위한 협력적 탐구공동체의 실천 과정과 효과 탐색
장경환 - 2017 - s-space.snu.ac.kr
본 연구는 초등 초임교사의 체육 교육과정 실행 전문성을 개발하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다.
이를 위해 다수의 초임교사를 대상으로 그들이 필요로 하는 체육 교육과정 관련 실행 맥락을 …
이를 위해 다수의 초임교사를 대상으로 그들이 필요로 하는 체육 교육과정 관련 실행 맥락을 …