Practices for eutrophic shallow lake water remediation and restoration: A critical literature review
Lake water has been impaired with nutrients due to the synergic action of human-made
activities and climate change. This situation is increasing eutrophication around the globe …
activities and climate change. This situation is increasing eutrophication around the globe …
Challenges regarding water quality of eutrophic reservoirs in urban landscapes: a map** literature review
Urbanized river basins usually suffer from anthropogenic pressure, compromising the quality
of water. Unsafe water is a risk to public health, especially when there are occurrences of …
of water. Unsafe water is a risk to public health, especially when there are occurrences of …
The hidden impacts of phosphorus pollution to streams and rivers
MA Mallin, LB Cahoon - BioScience, 2020 -
Phosphorus (P) enrichment to streams, lakes, and estuaries is increasing throughout the
United States. P loading is typically viewed from a harmful algal bloom perspective; if added …
United States. P loading is typically viewed from a harmful algal bloom perspective; if added …
Stochastic modeling of chlorophyll-a for probabilistic assessment and monitoring of algae blooms in the Lower Nakdong River, South Korea
Eutrophication is one of the critical water quality issues in the world nowadays. Various
studies have been conducted to explore the contributing factors related to eutrophication …
studies have been conducted to explore the contributing factors related to eutrophication …
Harmful algal blooms: A prolific issue in urban stormwater ponds
Nutrient-driven cyanobacteria blooms are an increasingly common issue in freshwater
environments, particularly in anthropogenically altered landscapes. As stormwater runoff is …
environments, particularly in anthropogenically altered landscapes. As stormwater runoff is …
Activation of Raman modes in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides through strong interaction with gold
Raman spectroscopy has become one of the most utilized methods for the characterization
of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs); however, the interpretation of the Raman …
of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs); however, the interpretation of the Raman …
[HTML][HTML] Chlorophyll-a prediction of lakes with different water quality patterns in China based on hybrid neural networks
X Li, J Sha, ZL Wang - Water, 2017 -
One of the most important water quality problems affecting lakes and reservoirs is
eutrophication, which is caused by multiple physical and chemical factors. As a …
eutrophication, which is caused by multiple physical and chemical factors. As a …
[HTML][HTML] Multivariate water environmental risk analysis in long-distance water supply project: a case study in China
The variation of water quality in long-distance water supply projects is often different from
that in natural water bodies, especially the environmental risks of artificial open canal water …
that in natural water bodies, especially the environmental risks of artificial open canal water …
Guanotrophication by waterbirds in freshwater lakes: a review on ecosystem perspective
Freshwater lakes throughout the world are nowadays threatened by climate change and
eutrophication. As a result the crisis of drinking water and disease outbreak resulting from …
eutrophication. As a result the crisis of drinking water and disease outbreak resulting from …
[HTML][HTML] Extreme guanotrophication by phosphorus in contradiction with the productivity of alkaline soda pan ecosystems
Waterbirds as nutrient vectors can cause high phosphorus loading in shallow inland aquatic
ecosystems. The main goal of this study was to determine the causal relationships between …
ecosystems. The main goal of this study was to determine the causal relationships between …