Duel: A multi-lingual multimodal dialogue corpus for disfluency, exclamations and laughter

J Hough, Y Tian, L De Ruiter, S Betz… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 - aclanthology.org
We present the DUEL corpus, consisting of 24 hours of natural, face-to-face, loosely task-
directed dialogue in German, French and Mandarin Chinese. The corpus is uniquely …

[PDF][PDF] Hesitations in spoken dialogue systems

S Betz - 2020 - core.ac.uk
Machines have acquired language and learned to speak. This might be the impression one
gets when considering the remarkable improvements in sound quality of electronic devices …

Pentoref: A corpus of spoken references in task-oriented dialogues

S Zarrieß, J Hough, C Kennington… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 - aclanthology.org
PentoRef is a corpus of task-oriented dialogues collected in systematically manipulated
settings. The corpus is multilingual, with English and German sections, and overall …

[PDF][PDF] Discourse markers and (dis) fluency across registers

L Crible - A Contrastive Usage-Based, 2017 - dial.uclouvain.be
1.1 Background Discourse marker research today still faces many terminological and
theoretical issues which restrain progress in the field, despite the multiplicity of theoretical …

Prolongation in german

S Betz, R Eklund, P Wagner - DiSS 2017 The 8th Workshop on …, 2017 - diva-portal.org
DiSS 2017 Page 1 Proceedings of DiSS 2017 The 8 th Workshop on Disfluency in
Spontaneous Speech KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden 18–19 August …

[PDF][PDF] An Evaluation of Manual and Semi-Automatic Laughter Annotation.

B Ludusan, P Wagner - INTERSPEECH, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
With laughter research seeing a development in recent years, there is also an increased
need in materials having laughter annotations. We examine in this study how one can …

Exploring (dis) fluency patterns of identical repetitions in Romanian spontaneous speech

O Niculescu, M Candea - Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (DiSS) …, 2023 - hal.science
This paper offers a preliminary analysis of identical repetitions in terms of frequency,
distribution and temporal patterns in Romanian spontaneous speech. The study in carried …

[PDF][PDF] Modal versus creaky filler particles in Romanian connected speech

O Niculescu - Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, 2023 - lingv.ro
This paper represents a preliminary acoustic analysis of filler particles in terms of voice
quality (ie, modal vs. creaky phonation). The main research questions addressed in this …

[PDF][PDF] The Distribution of Editing Phrases in German, French and Chinese Dialogues

Y Tian, J Hough, D Schlangen, J Ginzburg - genre - credog.github.io
In natural conversations, speakers frequently produce lexical and non-lexical filled pauses,
both during hesitations, and within self-repairs.(Ginzburg et al., 2014) categorize …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring Crosslingual Word Embeddings for Semantic Classification in Text and Dialogue

O Vsesviatska - 2019 - fiz-karlsruhe.de
Current approaches to learning crosslingual word emebeddings provide a decent
performance when based on a big amount of parallel data. Considering the fact, that most of …