[PDF][PDF] Development of A New Conceptual Framework for Better Understanding of the Food Consumer: An Interdisciplinary Big Data Approach

M Kāle - Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2024 - bjmc.lu.lv
The author's motivation for this study is to create a new application of big data to food. While
the amount of food data increases, many important topics have been studied within separate …

[PDF][PDF] The Future of Food Computing: Deepening the Scope by Broadening the Network

M Kale, R Jain - Book of, 2023 - pure.au.dk
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in many areas of computer science to
work with food data. One area is human-centric computing, where specific progress can be …

Jauna konceptuāla ietvara izveide labākai izpratnei par pārtikas patērētāju: starpdisciplināra lielo datu pieeja

M Kāle - 2023 - dspace.lu.lv
Autores motivācija promocijas darba ietvaros ir veidot jaunu pielietojumu lielajiem datiem
par pārtiku. Autore ir izstrādājusi vairākus veidus, kā izmantot liela mēroga datus, apvienojot …