Small data machine learning in materials science
P Xu, X Ji, M Li, W Lu - npj Computational Materials, 2023 - nature.com
This review discussed the dilemma of small data faced by materials machine learning. First,
we analyzed the limitations brought by small data. Then, the workflow of materials machine …
we analyzed the limitations brought by small data. Then, the workflow of materials machine …
Recent advances and applications of deep learning methods in materials science
Deep learning (DL) is one of the fastest-growing topics in materials data science, with
rapidly emerging applications spanning atomistic, image-based, spectral, and textual data …
rapidly emerging applications spanning atomistic, image-based, spectral, and textual data …
Nanoparticle synthesis assisted by machine learning
Many properties of nanoparticles are governed by their shape, size, polydispersity and
surface chemistry. To apply nanoparticles in chemical sensing, medical diagnostics …
surface chemistry. To apply nanoparticles in chemical sensing, medical diagnostics …
Computational discovery of transition-metal complexes: from high-throughput screening to machine learning
Transition-metal complexes are attractive targets for the design of catalysts and functional
materials. The behavior of the metal–organic bond, while very tunable for achieving target …
materials. The behavior of the metal–organic bond, while very tunable for achieving target …
Strategies for improving the sustainability of structural metals
Metallic materials have enabled technological progress over thousands of years. The
accelerated demand for structural (that is, load-bearing) alloys in key sectors such as …
accelerated demand for structural (that is, load-bearing) alloys in key sectors such as …
Deep learning in chemistry
Machine learning enables computers to address problems by learning from data. Deep
learning is a type of machine learning that uses a hierarchical recombination of features to …
learning is a type of machine learning that uses a hierarchical recombination of features to …
Data‐driven materials innovation and applications
Owing to the rapid developments to improve the accuracy and efficiency of both
experimental and computational investigative methodologies, the massive amounts of data …
experimental and computational investigative methodologies, the massive amounts of data …
The latest process and challenges of microwave dielectric ceramics based on pseudo phase diagrams
H Yang, S Zhang, H Yang, Q Wen, Q Yang… - Journal of Advanced …, 2021 - Springer
The explosive process of 5G communication evokes the urgent demand of miniaturized and
integrated dielectric ceramics filter. It is a pressing need to advance the development of …
integrated dielectric ceramics filter. It is a pressing need to advance the development of …
Emerging materials intelligence ecosystems propelled by machine learning
The age of cognitive computing and artificial intelligence (AI) is just dawning. Inspired by its
successes and promises, several AI ecosystems are blossoming, many of them within the …
successes and promises, several AI ecosystems are blossoming, many of them within the …
Data-driven materials research enabled by natural language processing and information extraction
Given the emergence of data science and machine learning throughout all aspects of
society, but particularly in the scientific domain, there is increased importance placed on …
society, but particularly in the scientific domain, there is increased importance placed on …