[PDF][PDF] Effect of different concentrations of salicylic acid on kee** quality of apricot cv. Habi at ambient storage
Fresh fruit consumption is increasing day by day for their numerous nutritional and health
benefits. Apricot is among the most nutritious fruits and perishable commodity of high market …
benefits. Apricot is among the most nutritious fruits and perishable commodity of high market …
43. Effect of stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana L.) leaf extract on the quality and shelf life of lemon (Citrus limon L.)
Lemon fruit faces lots of disease challenges when subjected to storage. Edible coatings are
one of the most environment friendly technology that are used to minimize the moisture loss …
one of the most environment friendly technology that are used to minimize the moisture loss …
[PDF][PDF] Effect of calcium salt on soft rot, bitter pit and physicochemical properties of stored apples
Postharvest losses are one of the main problems in leading fruit producing countries.
Therefore, an attempt has been made to decrease the postharvest losses during apple …
Therefore, an attempt has been made to decrease the postharvest losses during apple …
The influence of calcium chloride treatment on storability of three apple cultivars (Royal
Gala, Mondial Gala and Golden Delicious) harvested at commercial maturity stage, from the …
Gala, Mondial Gala and Golden Delicious) harvested at commercial maturity stage, from the …
Chemical elicitors improve the shelf life of phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) by inducing antioxidants and controlling microbes
PB Vyas, VRR Tadapaneni, VR Thakkar - Fruits, 2016 - fruits.edpsciences.org
Introduction. Phalsa (Grewia asiatica L.) fruit has limited marketability due to its high degree
of perishability, which leads to extensive postharvest losses. In view of the short postharvest …
of perishability, which leads to extensive postharvest losses. In view of the short postharvest …
Quality parameters of freeze-dried peach snack
F Pieniazek, V Messina - British Food Journal, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose The causes of food waste or loss are numerous and occur at the stages of
production, processing, retailing and consumption. Peaches must be processed quickly to …
production, processing, retailing and consumption. Peaches must be processed quickly to …
Optimalisasi cara pemeraman buah cempedak (Artocarpus champeden)
AB Arif, W Diyono - Informatika Pertanian, 2014 - neliti.com
Cempedak (Artocarpus champeden), merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman eksotis asli
Indonesia. Rasa buahnya sangat manis dan legit, aromanya sangat wangi dan khas. Buah …
Indonesia. Rasa buahnya sangat manis dan legit, aromanya sangat wangi dan khas. Buah …
Harvest maturity for low chill cultivars of peach under mid hill conditions of Himachal Pradesh
VS Rana, LN Mishra, DS Thakur… - Indian Journal of …, 2022 - indianjournals.com
The experiment was laid out on 10 years old plants of four commercial low chill cultivars
namely; Tropic Sweet, Early Grande, Florida Prince and Pratap. The whole program of study …
namely; Tropic Sweet, Early Grande, Florida Prince and Pratap. The whole program of study …
Biochemical analyses and expression of cold transcription factors of the late PDO 'Calanda'peach under different post-harvest conditions
A Monteagudo, CF i Forcada, G Estopañán… - Scientia …, 2018 - Elsevier
The peach of the designation of origin 'Calanda'that is much appreciated in the Spanish
market for its high fruit quality, is produced from a few very late ripening traditional cultivars …
market for its high fruit quality, is produced from a few very late ripening traditional cultivars …
Penambahan konsentrasi ekstrak jahe merah (Zingiber officenale Rocs) terhadap uji organoleptik kelapa dalam
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyimpanan terhadap kualitas
wortel segar dengan uji organoleptik pada Wortel Cut segar. Penelitian ini menggunakan …
wortel segar dengan uji organoleptik pada Wortel Cut segar. Penelitian ini menggunakan …