Flap** rotary wing: A novel low-Reynolds number layout merging bionic features into micro rotors
Since the birth of bio-inspired flap**-wing micro air vehicles, a controversial topic, ie,
whether and to what extent a flap** wing can outperform conventional micro rotors, has …
whether and to what extent a flap** wing can outperform conventional micro rotors, has …
[HTML][HTML] Recent progress in modeling and control of bio-inspired fish robots
B Sun, W Li, Z Wang, Y Zhu, Q He, X Guan… - Journal of Marine …, 2022 - mdpi.com
Compared with traditional underwater vehicles, bio-inspired fish robots have the advantages
of high efficiency, high maneuverability, low noise, and minor fluid disturbance. Therefore …
of high efficiency, high maneuverability, low noise, and minor fluid disturbance. Therefore …
Undulatory and oscillatory swimming
AJ Smits - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019 - cambridge.org
Theory and modelling remain central to improving our understanding of undulatory and
oscillatory swimming. Simple models based on added mass can help to give great insight …
oscillatory swimming. Simple models based on added mass can help to give great insight …
Scaling law of fish undulatory propulsion
YL Yu, KJ Huang - Physics of Fluids, 2021 - pubs.aip.org
A scaling formulation is constructed for the hydrodynamic thrust by an undulatory propulsor
based on the vortex dynamics. It states that the propulsion thrust is in scale with the square …
based on the vortex dynamics. It states that the propulsion thrust is in scale with the square …
Revealing the mechanism and scaling laws behind equilibrium altitudes of near-ground pitching hydrofoils
A classic lift decomposition (Von Kármán & Sears, J. Aeronaut. Sci., vol. 5, 1938, pp. 379–
390) is conducted on potential flow simulations of a near-ground pitching hydrofoil. It is …
390) is conducted on potential flow simulations of a near-ground pitching hydrofoil. It is …
Dynamics of flow around a pitching hydrofoil
This paper presents a parametric study on a forced pitching hydrofoil. The non-dimensional
frequency (Strouhal number, St d) and amplitude ratio (A∗) of the hydrofoil pitching are …
frequency (Strouhal number, St d) and amplitude ratio (A∗) of the hydrofoil pitching are …
Scaling laws for the propulsive performance of three-dimensional pitching propulsors
Scaling laws for the thrust production and energetics of self-propelled or fixed-velocity three-
dimensional rigid propulsors undergoing pitching motions are presented. The scaling …
dimensional rigid propulsors undergoing pitching motions are presented. The scaling …
Unsteady propulsion by an intermittent swimming gait
Inviscid computational results are presented on a self-propelled swimmer modelled as a
virtual body combined with a two-dimensional hydrofoil pitching intermittently about its …
virtual body combined with a two-dimensional hydrofoil pitching intermittently about its …
Self-directed propulsion of an unconstrained flap** swimmer at low Reynolds number: hydrodynamic behaviour and scaling laws
X Lin, J Wu, T Zhang - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2021 - cambridge.org
Flap**-wing-based propulsion is ubiquitous in Nature, and it is free in all directions. In this
work, the hydrodynamic behaviour of an unconstrained flap** foil, which can self-propel in …
work, the hydrodynamic behaviour of an unconstrained flap** foil, which can self-propel in …
Self-propulsion of fishes-like undulating hydrofoil: A unified kinematics based unsteady hydrodynamics study
Unsteady flow characteristics and propulsive performance during self-propulsion of various
types of fishes-like undulating 2D NACA0012 hydrofoil are studied using a unified kinematic …
types of fishes-like undulating 2D NACA0012 hydrofoil are studied using a unified kinematic …