Building large trees by combining phylogenetic information: a complete phylogeny of the extant Carnivora (Mammalia)
One way to build larger, more comprehensive phylogenies is to combine the vast amount of
phylogenetic information already available. We review the two main strategies for …
phylogenetic information already available. We review the two main strategies for …
Cooking as a biological trait
R Wrangham, NL Conklin-Brittain - … and Physiology Part A: Molecular & …, 2003 - Elsevier
No human foragers have been recorded as living without cooking, and people who choose
a 'raw-foodist'life-style experience low energy and impaired reproductive function. This …
a 'raw-foodist'life-style experience low energy and impaired reproductive function. This …
Grandmothering, menopause, and the evolution of human life histories
Long postmenopausal lifespans distinguish humans from all other primates. This pattern
may have evolved with mother–child food sharing, a practice that allowed aging females to …
may have evolved with mother–child food sharing, a practice that allowed aging females to …
[ספר][B] Demography and evolutionary ecology of Hadza hunter-gatherers
NB Jones - 2016 -
The Hadza, an ethnic group indigenous to northern Tanzania, are one of the few remaining
hunter-gatherer populations. Archaeology shows 130,000 years of hunting and gathering in …
hunter-gatherer populations. Archaeology shows 130,000 years of hunting and gathering in …
Fasting season length sets temporal limits for global polar bear persistence
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) require sea ice for capturing seals and are expected to
decline range-wide as global warming and sea-ice loss continue,. Estimating when different …
decline range-wide as global warming and sea-ice loss continue,. Estimating when different …
The expensive brain: a framework for explaining evolutionary changes in brain size
To explain variation in relative brain size among homoiothermic vertebrates, we propose the
Expensive Brain hypothesis as a unifying explanatory framework. It claims that the costs of a …
Expensive Brain hypothesis as a unifying explanatory framework. It claims that the costs of a …
Lemur traits and Madagascar ecology: co** with an island environment
The last decade's lemur research includes successes in discovering new living and extinct
species and learning about the distribution, biogeography, physiology, behavior, and …
species and learning about the distribution, biogeography, physiology, behavior, and …
Why do female primates have such long lifespans and so few babies? or Life in the slow lane
A major goal of life history studies is to identify and explain features of the life history of
individual species that follow broad rules across many groups of organisms, features that …
individual species that follow broad rules across many groups of organisms, features that …
A theory of fertility and parental investment in traditional and modern human societies
This paper has two interrelated goals. The first is to offer a general theory of fertility and
parental investment across a broad spectrum of human societies. The second is to provide a …
parental investment across a broad spectrum of human societies. The second is to provide a …
[ספר][B] Primate behavioral ecology
KB Strier - 2016 -
This comprehensive introductory text integrates evolutionary, ecological, and demographic
perspectives with new results from field studies and contemporary noninvasive molecular …
perspectives with new results from field studies and contemporary noninvasive molecular …