Revisiting the relationship between turgor pressure and plant cell growth

O Ali, I Cheddadi, B Landrein, Y Long - New Phytologist, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Growth is central to plant morphogenesis. Plant cells are encased in rigid cell walls, and
they must overcome physical confinement to grow to specific sizes and shapes. Cell wall …

Are microtubules tension sensors?

O Hamant, D Inoue, D Bouchez, J Dumais… - Nature …, 2019 -
Mechanical signals play many roles in cell and developmental biology. Several
mechanotransduction pathways have been uncovered, but the mechanisms identified so far …

The biomechanics of seed germination

T Steinbrecher… - Journal of Experimental …, 2017 -
From a biomechanical perspective, the completion of seed (and fruit) germination depends
on the balance of two opposing forces: the growth potential of the embryonic axis (radicle …

A mechanical feedback restricts sepal growth and shape in Arabidopsis

N Hervieux, M Dumond, A Sapala… - Current biology, 2016 -
How organs reach their final shape is a central yet unresolved question in developmental
biology. Here we investigate whether mechanical cues contribute to this process. We …

Auxin production in the endosperm drives seed coat development in Arabidopsis

DD Figueiredo, RA Batista, PJ Roszak, L Hennig… - Elife, 2016 -
In flowering plants, seed development is initiated by the fusion of the maternal egg and
central cells with two paternal sperm cells, leading to the formation of embryo and …

How mechanical forces shape plant organs

DC Trinh, J Alonso-Serra, M Asaoka, L Colin, M Cortes… - Current Biology, 2021 -
Plants produce organs of various shapes and sizes. While much has been learned about
genetic regulation of organogenesis, the integration of mechanics in the process is also …

Cell wall integrity signaling in plants:“To grow or not to grow that's the question”

A Voxeur, H Höfte - Glycobiology, 2016 -
Plants, like yeast, have the ability to monitor alterations in the cell wall architecture that occur
during normal growth or in changing environments and to trigger compensatory changes in …

Mechanical stress contributes to the expression of the STM homeobox gene in Arabidopsis shoot meristems

B Landrein, A Kiss, M Sassi, A Chauvet, P Das… - elife, 2015 -
The role of mechanical signals in cell identity determination remains poorly explored in
tissues. Furthermore, because mechanical stress is widespread, mechanical signals are …

The roles of the cuticle in plant development: organ adhesions and beyond

G Ingram, C Nawrath - Journal of experimental botany, 2017 -
Cuticles, which are composed of a variety of aliphatic molecules, impregnate epidermal cell
walls forming diffusion barriers that cover almost all the aerial surfaces in higher plants. In …

Imaging the living plant cell: from probes to quantification

L Colin, R Martin-Arevalillo, S Bovio, A Bauer… - The Plant …, 2022 -
At the center of cell biology is our ability to image the cell and its various components, either
in isolation or within an organism. Given its importance, biological imaging has emerged as …