Stone–Wales defect in graphene
Abstract 2D graphene the most investigated structures from nanocarbon family studied in the
last three decades. It is projected as an excellent material useful for quantum computing …
last three decades. It is projected as an excellent material useful for quantum computing …
A review on printed electronics with digital 3D printing: fabrication techniques, materials, challenges and future opportunities
The introduction of 3D printing technology has revolutionised the manufacturing and
electronic product design in the past few years, where it is used to even produce printed …
electronic product design in the past few years, where it is used to even produce printed …
Tailoring surface reflectance through nanostructured materials design for energy-efficient applications
The use of nanotechnology in surface engineering allows for precise tailoring of surface
properties to achieve an improved performance of the final product. We present and discuss …
properties to achieve an improved performance of the final product. We present and discuss …
Tailored imidazolium tetraphenylborate salts for the design of boron, nitrogen co-doped carbon materials as high-performance anodes for fast-rate monovalent ion …
We report the synthesis of original imidazolium salts with the tetraphenylborate anion and
their use as precursors for boron, nitrogen co-doped carbon materials. In addition to the …
their use as precursors for boron, nitrogen co-doped carbon materials. In addition to the …
Electrospun nanofiber for drug delivery applications: a review
Electrospinning has become a facile, novel, and sophisticated method for fabricating 1D
objects using repulsive force. This technique has garnered much attention as it can produce …
objects using repulsive force. This technique has garnered much attention as it can produce …
Local reactivity on carbon quantum dots: the influence of the geometries and chemical do** for chemical sensor applications
Carbon-based compounds have been considered materials of great technological interest,
mainly due to their high synthesis flexibility, low cost, and unique properties. In particular …
mainly due to their high synthesis flexibility, low cost, and unique properties. In particular …
[HTML][HTML] Recent advances in flexible resistive random access memory
Flexible electronic devices have received great attention in the fields of foldable electronic
devices, wearable electronic devices, displays, actuators, synaptic bionics and so on …
devices, wearable electronic devices, displays, actuators, synaptic bionics and so on …
DLC-based coatings obtained by low-frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (LFPECVD) in cyclohexane, principle and examples
The LFPECVD (Low-Frequency Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) technique
is now used on an industrial scale for the deposition of carbon-based coatings for several …
is now used on an industrial scale for the deposition of carbon-based coatings for several …
Structural analyses of carbon films deposited at different total mass rates in a hot-filament CVD system
M Ali - Materials Advances, 2023 - pubs.rsc.org
Depositing carbon films rich in the diamond phase was carried out in many studies.
However, characterization of the deposited carbon films does not reveal up-to-date …
However, characterization of the deposited carbon films does not reveal up-to-date …
[ספר][B] Additive manufacturing with novel materials: Process, properties and applications
R Rajasekar, C Moganapriya, PS Kumar - 2024 - books.google.com
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING With NOVEL MATERIALS The book explores practically the
latest advancements and techniques in 3D and 4D printing using innovative and …
latest advancements and techniques in 3D and 4D printing using innovative and …