[CARTE][B] An introduction to nonlinear chemical dynamics: oscillations, waves, patterns, and chaos

IR Epstein, JA Pojman - 1998 - books.google.com
Just a few decades ago, chemical oscillations were thought to be exotic reactions of only
theoretical interest. Now known to govern an array of physical and biological processes …

[CARTE][B] Surface and interfacial tension: measurement, theory, and applications

S Hartland - 2004 - books.google.com
This edited volume offers complete coverage of the latest theoretical, experimental, and
computer-based data as summarized by leading international researchers. It promotes full …

[CARTE][B] Fundamentals of low gravity fluid dynamics and heat transfer

BN Antar - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This book presents the fundamentals of low gravity fluid dynamics and heat transfer. It
investigates fluid behavior in low gravity environments such as those found in earth orbiting …

A hydrodynamic and thermodynamic simulation of droplet impacts on hot surfaces, Part I: theoretical model

DJE Harvie, DF Fletcher - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2001 - Elsevier
A model is presented to simulate the behaviour of an axisymmetric volatile liquid droplet
impacting on a hot solid surface in the film boiling region. A volume of fluid (VOF) algorithm …

Pool boiling critical heat flux in reduced gravity

DP Shatto, GP Peterson - 1999 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
An experimental investigation has been conducted to measure pool boiling critical heat
fluxes in reduced gravity. A horizontal cylindrical cartridge heater immersed in water at …

Effect of surface tension on the stability of a binary fluid layer under reduced gravity

CF Chen, CC Chen - Physics of Fluids, 1994 - pubs.aip.org
A temperature gradient imposed across a binary fluid layer with a nonzero Soret coefficient
will induce a solute concentration gradient. The ratio of these two gradients is proportional to …

Instability of a gravity-modulated fluid layer with surface tension variation

JRL Skarda - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2001 - cambridge.org
Gravity modulation of an unbounded fluid layer with surface tension variations along its free
surface is investigated. The stability of such systems is often characterized in terms of the …

Exact solution to stationary onset of convection due to surface tension variationin a multicomponent fluid layer with interfacial deformation

JRL Skarda, FE McCaughan - International journal of heat and mass …, 1999 - Elsevier
Stationary onset of convection due to surface tension variation in an
unboundedmulticomponent fluid layer is considered. Surface deformation is included and …

Three-dimensional simulations of Marangoni-Benard convection in small containers by the least-squares finite element method

ST Yu, BN Jiang, J Wu, JC Duh - Computer methods in applied mechanics …, 1998 - Elsevier
This paper reports a numerical study of the Marangoni-Benard (MB) convection in a planar
fluid layer. The least-squares finite element method (LSFEM) is employed to solve the three …

The role of the Soret effect on Marangoni-Benard stability

S Van Vaerenbergh, P Colinet, JC Legros - Capillarity Today: Proceedings …, 1991 - Springer
The role of the Soret effect in the Marangoni-Bénard stability of binary mixtures is analyzed
by the local potential technique. The transients of the thermotransport process are …