Measuring glacier mass changes from space—a review
Glaciers distinct from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are currently losing mass
rapidly with direct and severe impacts on the habitability of some regions on Earth as glacier …
rapidly with direct and severe impacts on the habitability of some regions on Earth as glacier …
Accelerated global glacier mass loss in the early twenty-first century
Glaciers distinct from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are shrinking rapidly, altering
regional hydrology, raising global sea level and elevating natural hazards. Yet, owing to the …
regional hydrology, raising global sea level and elevating natural hazards. Yet, owing to the …
Polar regions
This chapter assesses the state of physical, biological and social knowledge concerning the
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …
Remote sensing of glacier and ice sheet grounding lines: A review
The precise positioning and long-term monitoring of the grounding line, forming the
boundary between grounded and floating ice of marine ice sheets and tidewater glaciers, is …
boundary between grounded and floating ice of marine ice sheets and tidewater glaciers, is …
Continuity of the mass loss of the world's glaciers and ice caps from the GRACE and GRACE Follow‐On missions
We use time series of time‐variable gravity from the Gravitational Recovery and Climate
Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow‐On (GRACE‐FO) missions to evaluate the mass …
Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow‐On (GRACE‐FO) missions to evaluate the mass …
Reconciling Svalbard glacier mass balance
Since the first estimates of Svalbard-wide glacier mass balance were made in the early
2000s, there has been great progress in remote sensing and modeling of mass balance …
2000s, there has been great progress in remote sensing and modeling of mass balance …
[PDF][PDF] Polar regions. chapter 3, ipcc special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate
This chapter assesses the state of physical, biological and social knowledge concerning the
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …
Arctic and Antarctic ocean and cryosphere, how they are affected by climate change, and …
A high‐resolution record of Greenland mass balance
Abstract We map recent Greenland Ice Sheet elevation change at high spatial (5 km) and
temporal (monthly) resolution using CryoSat‐2 altimetry. After correcting for the impact of …
temporal (monthly) resolution using CryoSat‐2 altimetry. After correcting for the impact of …
Glacier mass loss between 2010 and 2020 dominated by atmospheric forcing
We generate a high spatial and temporal record of ice loss across glaciers globally for the
first time from CryoSat‐2 swath interferometric radar altimetry. We show that between 2010 …
first time from CryoSat‐2 swath interferometric radar altimetry. We show that between 2010 …
Low elevation of Svalbard glaciers drives high mass loss variability
Compared to other Arctic ice masses, Svalbard glaciers are low-elevated with flat interior
accumulation areas, resulting in a marked peak in their current hypsometry (area-elevation …
accumulation areas, resulting in a marked peak in their current hypsometry (area-elevation …