[HTML][HTML] Isn't there room for music in chronic pain management?
Chronic pain with its comorbidities, such as depression, insomnia, and social deprivation, is
a major cause of disability and health-economic burden. Insufficient response to pain …
a major cause of disability and health-economic burden. Insufficient response to pain …
[HTML][HTML] Music-based interventions in paediatric and adolescents oncology patients: a systematic review
M González-Martín-Moreno, EM Garrido-Ardila… - Children, 2021 - mdpi.com
Background: The implications of cancer and its medical treatment are traumatic, highly
stressful and have great psychosocial impact. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment is …
stressful and have great psychosocial impact. Therefore, a comprehensive treatment is …
Functional connectivity associated with attention networks differs among subgroups of fibromyalgia patients: an observational case–control study
T Aoe, R Kawanaka, F Ohsone, A Hara… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Fibromyalgia is a heterogenous chronic pain disorder diagnosed by symptom-based criteria.
The aim of this study was to clarify different pathophysiological characteristics between …
The aim of this study was to clarify different pathophysiological characteristics between …
Music-induced analgesia in healthy participants is associated with expected pain levels but not opioid or dopamine-dependent mechanisms
Music interventions accommodate the profound need for non-pharmacological pain
treatment. The analgesic effect of listening to music has been widely demonstrated across …
treatment. The analgesic effect of listening to music has been widely demonstrated across …
Music to my senses: functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence of music analgesia across connectivity networks spanning the brain and brainstem
Pain is often viewed and studied as an isolated perception. However, cognition, emotion,
salience effects, and autonomic and sensory input are all integrated to create a …
salience effects, and autonomic and sensory input are all integrated to create a …
Transcriptional and cellular signatures of cortical morphometric remodelling in chronic pain
Chronic pain is a highly debilitating and difficult to treat condition, which affects the structure
of the brain. Although the development of chronic pain is moderately heritable, how disease …
of the brain. Although the development of chronic pain is moderately heritable, how disease …
Central pain modulatory mechanisms of attentional analgesia are preserved in fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a prevalent pain condition that is associated with cognitive impairments
including in attention, memory, and executive processing. It has been proposed that …
including in attention, memory, and executive processing. It has been proposed that …
Altered spontaneous neural activity and functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease with subthalamic microlesion
B Luo, Y Lu, C Qiu, W Dong, C Xue, L Zhang… - Frontiers in …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Background Transient improvement in motor symptoms are immediately observed in
patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) after an electrode has been implanted into the …
patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) after an electrode has been implanted into the …
Preferred musical attribute dimensions underlie individual differences in music-induced analgesia
Music-induced analgesia (MIA) is a phenomenon that describes a situation in which
listening to music influences pain perception. The heterogeneity of music used in MIA …
listening to music influences pain perception. The heterogeneity of music used in MIA …
Sad music modulates pain perception: an EEG study
Background Music has shown positive effects on pain management in previous studies.
However, the relationship between musical emotional types and therapeutic effects remains …
However, the relationship between musical emotional types and therapeutic effects remains …