The evolution of knowledge on seafood spoilage microbiota from the 20th to the 21st century: Have we finished or just begun?
Backround The modern dietary trends have led to a continuously increasing demand for
seafood. Both high quality and extended shelf-life of seafood is required to satisfy the …
seafood. Both high quality and extended shelf-life of seafood is required to satisfy the …
The study of deep-sea cephalopods
Abstract “Deep-sea” cephalopods are here defined as cephalopods that spend a significant
part of their life cycles outside the euphotic zone. In this chapter, the state of knowledge in …
part of their life cycles outside the euphotic zone. In this chapter, the state of knowledge in …
The rate of metabolism in marine animals: environmental constraints, ecological demands and energetic opportunities
The rates of metabolism in animals vary tremendously throughout the biosphere. The origins
of this variation are a matter of active debate with some scientists highlighting the …
of this variation are a matter of active debate with some scientists highlighting the …
On the depth and scale of metabolic rate variation: scaling of oxygen consumption rates and enzymatic activity in the Class Cephalopoda (Mollusca)
BA Seibel - Journal of Experimental Biology, 2007 -
Recent ecological theory depends, for predictive power, on the apparent similarity of
metabolic rates within broad taxonomic or functional groups of organisms (eg invertebrates …
metabolic rates within broad taxonomic or functional groups of organisms (eg invertebrates …
Evolutionary links between intra‐and extracellular acid–base regulation in fish and other aquatic animals
The acid–base relevant molecules carbon dioxide (CO2), protons (H+), and bicarbonate
(HCO3−) are substrates and end products of some of the most essential physiological …
(HCO3−) are substrates and end products of some of the most essential physiological …
Buoyancy mechanisms limit preservation of coleoid cephalopod soft tissues in Mesozoic Lagerstätten
Coleoid cephalopods are characterized by internalization of their shell, and are divided into
the ten‐armed Decabrachia (squids and cuttlefish) and the eight‐armed Vampyropoda …
the ten‐armed Decabrachia (squids and cuttlefish) and the eight‐armed Vampyropoda …
Microbiological spoilage of fish and seafood products
L Gram - Compendium of the microbiological spoilage of foods …, 2009 - Springer
Fish and seafood products are some of the most important protein sources in human
nutrition. At the same time, these products are perishable and, if left unpreserved, spoil …
nutrition. At the same time, these products are perishable and, if left unpreserved, spoil …
Ammonium transporter expression in sperm of the disease vector Aedes aegypti mosquito influences male fertility
The ammonium transporter (AMT)/methylammonium permease (MEP)/Rhesus glycoprotein
(Rh) family of ammonia (NH3/NH4+) transporters has been identified in organisms from all …
(Rh) family of ammonia (NH3/NH4+) transporters has been identified in organisms from all …
Positive buoyancy in eel leptocephali: an adaptation for life in the ocean surface layer
K Tsukamoto, Y Yamada, A Okamura, T Kaneko… - Marine biology, 2009 - Springer
Many planktonic organisms have adaptations such as floats or lighter substances to obtain
buoyancy to help them remain in the surface layer of the ocean where photosynthetic …
buoyancy to help them remain in the surface layer of the ocean where photosynthetic …
Ecological pressures and the contrasting scaling of metabolism and body shape in coexisting taxa: cephalopods versus teleost fish
Metabolic rates are fundamental to many biological processes, and commonly scale with
body size with an exponent (bR) between 2/3 and 1 for reasons still debated. According to …
body size with an exponent (bR) between 2/3 and 1 for reasons still debated. According to …