Petroleum reservoir quality prediction: overview and contrasting approaches from sandstone and carbonate communities
The porosity and permeability of sandstone and carbonate reservoirs (known as reservoir
quality) are essential inputs for successful oil and gas resource exploration and exploitation …
quality) are essential inputs for successful oil and gas resource exploration and exploitation …
Using petroleum inclusions to trace petroleum systems–A review
Petroleum-bearing fluid inclusions are small encapsulations of oil and gas that offer an
invaluable opportunity to better constrain the evolution of petroleum systems. Insights into …
invaluable opportunity to better constrain the evolution of petroleum systems. Insights into …
The metal content of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids and its relationship to mineralization potential
A Audétat - Economic Geology, 2019 -
A fundamental question in the study of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits is whether the
mineralization potential of intrusions was already predetermined by the metal content of the …
mineralization potential of intrusions was already predetermined by the metal content of the …
The geochemistry of carbonate diagenesis: The past, present and future
PK Swart - Sedimentology, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (δ18O and δ13C values) and trace elements have been
applied to the study of diagenesis of carbonate rocks for over 50 years. As valuable as these …
applied to the study of diagenesis of carbonate rocks for over 50 years. As valuable as these …
Introduction to aqueous-electrolyte fluid inclusions
RJ Bodnar - 2003 -
Aqueous fluids containing various amounts of salts are common in many geologic
environments. In most environments, NaCl, KCl or CaCl 2 is the dominant salt, but MgCl 2 or …
environments. In most environments, NaCl, KCl or CaCl 2 is the dominant salt, but MgCl 2 or …
Fluid inclusion evidence for magmatic-hydrothermal fluid evolution in the porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit at Butte, Montana
BG Rusk, MH Reed, JH Dilles - Economic Geology, 2008 -
Abstract The porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in Butte, Montana, formed where magmatic
hydrothermal fluids, introduced with injections of porphyrytic dikes, fractured and permeated …
hydrothermal fluids, introduced with injections of porphyrytic dikes, fractured and permeated …
Formational stages of natural fractures revealed by U-Pb dating and CO-Sr-Nd isotopes of dolomites in the Ediacaran Dengying Formation, Sichuan Basin, southwest …
Abstract Deep core (> 4.9 km) from Ediacaran Deng IV Member algal dolomites in the
Gaoshiti-Moxi block in the Sichuan Basin, southwest China, reveals multiple generations of …
Gaoshiti-Moxi block in the Sichuan Basin, southwest China, reveals multiple generations of …
Key oil accumulation periods of ultra-deep fault-controlled oil reservoir in northern Tarim Basin, NW China
Y Shuai, WU Guanghui, ZHU Yongfeng… - Petroleum Exploration …, 2022 - Elsevier
A giant fault-controlled oilfield has been found in the ultra-deep (greater than 6000 m)
Ordovician carbonate strata in the northern Tarim Basin. It is of great significance for …
Ordovician carbonate strata in the northern Tarim Basin. It is of great significance for …
A plea for more skepticism toward fluid inclusions: Part II. Homogenization via halite dissolution in brine inclusions from magmatic-hydrothermal systems is commonly …
A Audétat - Economic Geology, 2023 -
Quartz-hosted brine inclusions that homogenize via halite dissolution occur in many
magmatic-hydrothermal systems. In many cases their calculated minimum entrapment …
magmatic-hydrothermal systems. In many cases their calculated minimum entrapment …
Formation and deformation of pyrite and implications for gold mineralization in the El Callao District, Venezuela
Abstract The El Callao mining district is the most important gold-producing region in
Venezuela. It is hosted in the Paleoproterozoic Guasipati-El Callao greenstone belt, which …
Venezuela. It is hosted in the Paleoproterozoic Guasipati-El Callao greenstone belt, which …