Intentional maps in posterior parietal cortex

RA Andersen, CA Buneo - Annual review of neuroscience, 2002 -
▪ Abstract The posterior parietal cortex (PPC), historically believed to be a sensory structure,
is now viewed as an area important for sensory-motor integration. Among its functions is the …

Multimodal representation of space in the posterior parietal cortex and its use in planning movements

RA Andersen, LH Snyder, DC Bradley… - Annual review of …, 1997 -
▪ Abstract Recent experiments are reviewed that indicate that sensory signals from many
modalities, as well as efference copy signals from motor structures, converge in the posterior …

[KNJIGA][B] Mental mechanisms: Philosophical perspectives on cognitive neuroscience

W Bechtel - 2007 -
A variety of scientific disciplines have set as their task explaining mental activities,
recognizing that in some way these activities depend upon our brain. But, until recently, the …

[KNJIGA][B] The neural bases of multisensory processes

MM Murray, MT Wallace - 2011 -
It has become accepted in the neuroscience community that perception and performance
are quintessentially multisensory by nature. Using the full palette of modern brain imaging …

Intention, action planning, and decision making in parietal-frontal circuits

RA Andersen, H Cui - Neuron, 2009 -
The posterior parietal cortex and frontal cortical areas to which it connects are responsible
for sensorimotor transformations. This review covers new research on four components of …

Perception of self-motion from visual flow

M Lappe, F Bremmer, AV van den Berg - Trends in cognitive sciences, 1999 -
Accurate and efficient control of self-motion is an important requirement for our daily
behavior. Visual feedback about self-motion is provided by optic flow. Optic flow can be used …

Multimodal integration for the representation of space in the posterior parietal cortex

RA Andersen - … Transactions of the Royal Society of …, 1997 -
The posterior parietal cortex has long been considered an 'association'area that combines
information from different sensory modalities to form a cognitive representation of space …

[HTML][HTML] Head direction cells and the neurophysiological basis for a sense of direction

JS Taube - Progress in neurobiology, 1998 - Elsevier
Animals require two types of fundamental information for accurate navigation: location and
directional heading. Current theories hypothesize that animals maintain a neural …

[KNJIGA][B] Fisiología de la conducta

NR Carlson, MA Birkett - 2006 -
scribí la primera edición de Fisiología de la Conducta hace más de un cuarto de siglo.
Cuando lo hice no podía imaginarme que algún día estaría escribiendo la octava edición …

Gain modulation: a major computational principle of the central nervous system

E Salinas, P Thier - Neuron, 2000 -
Gain Modulation: Neuron Skip to Main Content Skip to Main Menu Advertisement Neuron This
journal offers authors two options (open access or subscription) to publish research Submit …