M otion M eerkat: integrating motion video detection and ecological monitoring
BG Weinstein - Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Human observation is expensive and limits the breadth of data collection. For this reason,
remotely placed video cameras are increasingly used to monitor animals. One drawback of …
remotely placed video cameras are increasingly used to monitor animals. One drawback of …
Comprehensive spatial distribution of tropical fish assemblages from multifrequency acoustics and video fulfils the island mass effect framework
J Salvetat, N Bez, J Habasque… - Scientific reports, 2022 - nature.com
Tropical marine ecosystems are highly biodiverse and provide resources for small-scale
fisheries and tourism. However, precise information on fish spatial distribution is lacking …
fisheries and tourism. However, precise information on fish spatial distribution is lacking …
[HTML][HTML] A new in-situ method to estimate fish target strength reveals high variability in broadband measurements
Abstract Fish Target Strength (TS) is a requirement for estimating abundance from surveys of
pelagic fish using echosounders. This paper describes a novel in-situ method to estimate TS …
pelagic fish using echosounders. This paper describes a novel in-situ method to estimate TS …
Multi-frequency and light-avoiding characteristics of deep acoustic layers in the North Atlantic
M Peña, J Cabrera-Gámez… - Marine Environmental …, 2020 - Elsevier
This study aimed to add light-avoidance as a categorizing technique for the study of
mesopelagic acoustic layers. Data recorded along the 20° W parallel from 20° N to Iceland …
mesopelagic acoustic layers. Data recorded along the 20° W parallel from 20° N to Iceland …
Additional evidence for fisheries acoustics: small cameras and angling gear provide tilt angle distributions and other relevant data for mackerel surveys
Fisheries acoustics surveys are effective tools in marine resource assessment and marine
ecology. Significant advances have occurred in recent years with the application of multiple …
ecology. Significant advances have occurred in recent years with the application of multiple …
Micronekton distributions and assemblages at two shallow seamounts of the south-western Indian Ocean: Insights from acoustics and mesopelagic trawl data
Micronekton distributions and assemblages were investigated at two shallow seamounts of
the south-western Indian Ocean using a combination of trawl data and a multi-frequency …
the south-western Indian Ocean using a combination of trawl data and a multi-frequency …
Can a bottom-moored echo sounder array provide a survey-comparable index of abundance?
A small number of stationary echo sounders have the potential to produce abundance
indices where fish repeatedly occupy localized areas (eg, spawning grounds). To …
indices where fish repeatedly occupy localized areas (eg, spawning grounds). To …
Herding mesopelagic fish by light
To assess organisms forming mesopelagic scattering layers in the Red Sea, we took
advantage of their reactions to light. We used a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipped …
advantage of their reactions to light. We used a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipped …
Using fishers' echo-sounder buoys to estimate biomass of fish species associated with drifting fish aggregating devices in the Indian Ocean.
The majority of the drifting fish aggregating devices (DFADs) used by the industrial tropical
tuna purse seine fishery are deployed with satellite linked echo-sounder buoys. These …
tuna purse seine fishery are deployed with satellite linked echo-sounder buoys. These …
Identification and target strength of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) measured in situ
It is often assumed that in situ target strength (TS) measurements from dispersed fish are
representative of the surveyed schooling fish. For in situ TS measurements of orange roughy …
representative of the surveyed schooling fish. For in situ TS measurements of orange roughy …