Doctoral student perceptions of supervisory and research community support: Their relationships with doctoral conditions and experiences

M Corcelles-Seuba, N Suñe-Soler… - Journal of Further and …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Social support is important for the successful completion of doctoral studies. The aim of this
study was to explore how individual differences in supervisory and research community …

[PDF][PDF] Effects of the same-gender vs. cross-gender mentoring on a Protégé outcome in academia: An exploratory study

M Kogovšek, I Ograjenšek - Metodoloski Zvezki, 2019 -
Mentoring seems to be an important way to start and advance individual researcher's career
in science. Therefore, it is essential to examine the factors related to successful mentoring in …

Social creativity as a function of agent cognition and network properties: A computer model

S Bhattacharyya, S Ohlsson - Social Networks, 2010 - Elsevier
Inventions–concepts, devices, procedures–are often created by networks of interacting
agents in which the agents can be individuals (as in a scientific discipline) or they can …

Network and actor attribute effects on the performance of researchers in two fields of social science in a small peripheral community

S Letina - Journal of Informetrics, 2016 - Elsevier
The aim of this study is to explore the network effects of the national and disciplinary
community and actor attribute effects on the future performance of scientists in two fields of …

[PDF][PDF] The influence of social support and personal networks on doctoral student performance

V Hlebec, T Kogovšek, A Ferligoj - Metodološki zvezki, 2011 -
In the paper the effects of individual and social factors on the performance of doctoral
students (young researchers) in Slovenia are studied. The paper starts with an overview of …

[PDF][PDF] The role and significance of scientific collaboration for the new emerging sciences: The case of Slovenia

B Groboljšek, A Ferligoj, F Mali, L Kronegger… - Teorija in …, 2014 -
The article addresses some issues related to the definition and analysis of scientific
collaboration. Starting with a general presentation of studies on Slovenian co-authorship …

Networks of PhD students and academic performance: a comparison across countries

AM Capó Artigues, L Coromina Soler… - … vol. 4, núm. 2, p. 205 …, 2007 -
In this article we compare regression models obtained to predict PhD students' academic
performance in the universities of Girona (Spain) and Slovenia. Explanatory variables are …

[PDF][PDF] From busy bees to science geeks and party animals: a typology of Slovenian doctoral students

T Kogovšek, V Hlebec, A Ferligoj - Advances in Methodology and …, 2011 -
In this paper, we focus on the importance of social relations for the performance of
individuals and, more specifically, for the academic performance of doctoral students in …

PhD students' research group social capital in two countries: A clustering approach with duocentred network measures

L Coromina Soler, G Coenders… - … zvezki, vol. 8, núm. 2, p …, 2011 -
The article examines the structure of the collaboration networks of research groups where
Slovenian and Spanish PhD students are pursuing their doctorate. The units of analysis are …

[PDF][PDF] Embarked on social processes (the rivers) in dynamic and multilevel networks (the boats).

E Lazega - Connections (02261766), 2020 -
This paper is the written text underlying the keynote presentation at the Sunbelt XXXVIII in
Utrecht, 2018. It presents a neo-structural approach to social processes in the organizational …