Predation in bird populations

W Cresswell - Journal of Ornithology, 2011 - Springer
One of the classic ecological questions is how predators affect population size. This is often
assessed by measuring how many individuals are killed by a predator, yet such direct effects …

Why are bird migration dates shifting? A review of weather and climate effects on avian migratory phenology

O Gordo - Climate research, 2007 -
Many studies have reported statistically significant associations between bird migratory
phenology and climatic variables, and, consequently, it is mostly accepted that recent shifts …

[CARTE][B] Principles of animal communication

JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 -
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …

[CARTE][B] The biology of moult in birds

L Jenni, R Winkler - 2020 -
The first comprehensive review of all aspects of the biology of moult, drawing information
from across the literature and in all birds, from penguins to passerines. Feathers are …

Changes in the timing of spring and autumn migration in North American migrant passerines during a period of global warming

AM Mills - Ibis, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Butler (2003) used first arrival dates (FADs) of 103 migrant birds in northeastern USA and
found that both long‐distance migrants (LDMs; wintering south of the USA) and short …

Fitness consequences of timing of breeding in birds: date effects in the course of a reproductive episode

MU Grüebler, B Naef‐Daenzer - Journal of Avian Biology, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
In seasonal environments, avian reproductive performance almost generally declines in the
course of the season. Quantifying the associated fitness consequences of timing of …

Early life events carry over to influence pre-migratory condition in a free-living songbird

GW Mitchell, CG Guglielmo, NT Wheelwright… - PloS one, 2011 -
Conditions experienced during development can have long-term consequences for
individual success. In migratory songbirds, the proximate mechanisms linking early life …

Influence of persistent organic pollutants on the endocrine stress response in free-living and captive red kites (Milvus milvus)

L Monclús, R Ballesteros-Cano, J De La Puente… - Environmental …, 2018 - Elsevier
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have the potential to impair the endocrine regulation of
organisms and alter their ability to respond to environmental changes. We studied whether …

Protogyny in autumn migration: do male birds” Play Chicken”?

AM Mills - The Auk, 2005 -
Protandry, the earlier arrival of males than of females on breeding areas, occurs in many
taxa, including many migratory birds. Numerous hypotheses have been generated to …

Molt, feather growth rate and body condition of male and female Barn Swallows

N Saino, M Romano, M Caprioli, R Lardelli… - Journal of …, 2013 - Springer
Molt and ecdysis are costly activities crucial to several animals. Most birds completely molt
their plumage once per year. The diverse energy and aerodynamic costs of molt are …