A survey on deep reinforcement learning algorithms for robotic manipulation
Robotic manipulation challenges, such as gras** and object manipulation, have been
tackled successfully with the help of deep reinforcement learning systems. We give an …
tackled successfully with the help of deep reinforcement learning systems. We give an …
Learning dynamical systems from data: An introduction to physics-guided deep learning
Modeling complex physical dynamics is a fundamental task in science and engineering.
Traditional physics-based models are first-principled, explainable, and sample-efficient …
Traditional physics-based models are first-principled, explainable, and sample-efficient …
Equibot: Sim (3)-equivariant diffusion policy for generalizable and data efficient learning
Building effective imitation learning methods that enable robots to learn from limited data
and still generalize across diverse real-world environments is a long-standing problem in …
and still generalize across diverse real-world environments is a long-standing problem in …
EDGI: Equivariant diffusion for planning with embodied agents
Embodied agents operate in a structured world, often solving tasks with spatial, temporal,
and permutation symmetries. Most algorithms for planning and model-based reinforcement …
and permutation symmetries. Most algorithms for planning and model-based reinforcement …
Diffusion-edfs: Bi-equivariant denoising generative modeling on se (3) for visual robotic manipulation
Diffusion generative modeling has become a promising approach for learning robotic
manipulation tasks from stochastic human demonstrations. In this paper we present …
manipulation tasks from stochastic human demonstrations. In this paper we present …
Sample efficient grasp learning using equivariant models
In planar grasp detection, the goal is to learn a function from an image of a scene onto a set
of feasible grasp poses in $\mathrm {SE}(2) $. In this paper, we recognize that the optimal …
of feasible grasp poses in $\mathrm {SE}(2) $. In this paper, we recognize that the optimal …
Mira: Mental imagery for robotic affordances
Humans form mental images of 3D scenes to support counterfactual imagination, planning,
and motor control. Our abilities to predict the appearance and affordance of the scene from …
and motor control. Our abilities to predict the appearance and affordance of the scene from …
Equivariant transporter network
Transporter Net is a recently proposed framework for pick and place that is able to learn
good manipulation policies from a very few expert demonstrations. A key reason why …
good manipulation policies from a very few expert demonstrations. A key reason why …
Equivariant reinforcement learning under partial observability
Incorporating inductive biases is a promising approach for tackling challenging robot
learning domains with sample-efficient solutions. This paper identifies partially observable …
learning domains with sample-efficient solutions. This paper identifies partially observable …
Equivariant descriptor fields: Se (3)-equivariant energy-based models for end-to-end visual robotic manipulation learning
End-to-end learning for visual robotic manipulation is known to suffer from sample
inefficiency, requiring large numbers of demonstrations. The spatial roto-translation …
inefficiency, requiring large numbers of demonstrations. The spatial roto-translation …