Performance analysis of large language models in the domain of legal argument mining
Generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) have recently demonstrated excellent
performance in various natural language tasks. The development of ChatGPT and the …
performance in various natural language tasks. The development of ChatGPT and the …
Argumentation models and their use in corpus annotation: Practice, prospects, and challenges
The study of argumentation is transversal to several research domains, from philosophy to
linguistics, from the law to computer science and artificial intelligence. In discourse analysis …
linguistics, from the law to computer science and artificial intelligence. In discourse analysis …
Detecting arguments in cjeu decisions on fiscal state aid
The successful application of argument mining in the legal domain can dramatically impact
many disciplines related to law. For this purpose, we present Demosthenes, a novel corpus …
many disciplines related to law. For this purpose, we present Demosthenes, a novel corpus …
Argument mining with graph representation learning
Argument Mining (AM) is a unique task in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that targets
arguments: a meaningful logical structure in human language. Since the argument plays a …
arguments: a meaningful logical structure in human language. Since the argument plays a …
A knowledge-based service architecture for legal document building
In this paper, we propose a knowledge-based service architecture for legal document
building based on Natural Language Processing and learning techniques, to semantically …
building based on Natural Language Processing and learning techniques, to semantically …
Annotators-in-the-loop: testing a novel annotation procedure on Italian case law
The availability of annotated legal corpora is crucial for a number of tasks, such as legal
search, legal information retrieval, and predictive justice. Annotation is mostly assumed to be …
search, legal information retrieval, and predictive justice. Annotation is mostly assumed to be …
[PDF][PDF] Applying Generative Neural Networks to Extract Argument Relations from Scientific Communication Texts
AS Sery, DV Ilina, EA Sidorova, YA Zagorulko - damdid2024.frccsc.ru
The study explores methods for extracting argument relations from texts using large
generative language models. Experiments were conducted on a Russian-language corpus …
generative language models. Experiments were conducted on a Russian-language corpus …
[PDF][PDF] 판결문 논증 분석을 위한 트랜스포머 모델 기반 논증 구조 추출 방안에 관한 연구
구예리, 박성미, 안정민 - 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 2023 - lifs.hallym.ac.kr
요 약최근 인공지능 기술의 발전으로 법률 및 수사 분야에서 자연어 처리 기술 활용이 증가하고
있다. 수사분야에서는 형사소송법이 개정됨에 따라 증거 기반의 논리적 논증이 중요시되고 …
있다. 수사분야에서는 형사소송법이 개정됨에 따라 증거 기반의 논리적 논증이 중요시되고 …