Fruits from the Brazilian Cerrado region: Physico-chemical characterization, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activities, and sensory evaluation
MCEV Schiassi, VR de Souza, AMT Lago, LG Campos… - Food chemistry, 2018 - Elsevier
Given the economic importance of fruit processing, this study aimed to analyze the chemical
composition, antioxidant activity, and sensorial acceptance of six fruit pulps from the …
composition, antioxidant activity, and sensorial acceptance of six fruit pulps from the …
Perfil sensorial e avaliação físico-química de néctar misto de Pitaya e Maracujá
LAC Braga, FB da Penha… - Brazilian Journal …, 2020 -
As bebidas compostas com mais de uma fruta são uma tendência tanto do mercado
nacional como internacional, apresentando vantagens, como complementação dos …
nacional como internacional, apresentando vantagens, como complementação dos …
Morphological characterization of fruits, endocarp, seed and seedlings of cajá-manga (Spondias dulcis)
The Cerrado biome has several species that can generate income, and the cajá-manga is
one of these native species with great potential but with scarce information about its …
one of these native species with great potential but with scarce information about its …
Cajá-manga peel: evolution of sensory, chemical and physical characteristics from flour to bread production
EC Perin, PM Heidmann, V Patel, JS Barbosa… - Journal of Food …, 2021 - Springer
This study aimed to carry out the physical–chemical characterization, assess the functional
potential and sensory analysis of bread made with 2.10, 5, 7.1 and 10% of cajá-manga peel …
potential and sensory analysis of bread made with 2.10, 5, 7.1 and 10% of cajá-manga peel …
[PDF][PDF] Elaboração e caracterização de néctar de abacaxi pérola adoçado com glucose de milho
DS do Amaral Miranda¹, T Pessoa… - Revista AGROTEC …, 2015 -
O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar e caracterizar três formulações de néctares de
abacaxi adoçado com glucose de milho. Abacaxis da variedade Pérola foram adquiridos no …
abacaxi adoçado com glucose de milho. Abacaxis da variedade Pérola foram adquiridos no …
[HTML][HTML] Fruit quality and genetic diversity of Spondias dulcis accessions
PHM Souza, VA Monteiro, CDM Rodrigues… - Revista …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
Among the less exploited Brazilian native fruit trees, the Spondias dulcis (cajá-manga) has
many uses, being their fruits appreciated in fresh consumption and its pulp used in …
many uses, being their fruits appreciated in fresh consumption and its pulp used in …
[PDF][PDF] Aspectos de qualidade de frutos de cajá-mangueira: uma revisão
JRC Neto - Rev. Cient. Rural, 2019 -
A cajá-mangueira (Spondias cytherea Sonn.) é uma frutífera exótica originária da Polinésia
e regiões da Indo-Malásia ao Taiti que se expandiu para as regiões tropicais, sendo …
e regiões da Indo-Malásia ao Taiti que se expandiu para as regiões tropicais, sendo …
A nutritional analysis of juices of ora-pro-nobis's leaves and stalks
LM Zem, CV HELM… - … Científica da UERGS, 2018 -
A elaboração de bebidas mistas permite obter novos sabores, texturas, melhorias de cor e
associação entre os componentes nutricionais. Com isso, uma bebida formulada com suco …
associação entre os componentes nutricionais. Com isso, uma bebida formulada com suco …
Sensorial quality of sugarcane juice with the addition of fruits pulp from the semi-arid
JF da Silva, CMG Lima, RF Miranda… - Research, Society and …, 2020 -
In natura sugarcane juice or garapa is one of the derivatives of sugarcane and is a tasty and
energetic drink. The addition of acid fruits to the sugarcane juice is quite common, giving the …
energetic drink. The addition of acid fruits to the sugarcane juice is quite common, giving the …
Fruit nectar obtained from cupuacu (theobroma grandi-florum) and acai (euterpe oleracea mart) added with fructo-oligosaccharides: processing and quality evaluation …
MMA Jesus, IM Ferreira… - … : Food, Nutrition & …, 2019 -
Besides the nutrients provided from fruits, fruit nectars added with fructo-oligosaccharides
(FOS) have been considered a healthier alternative for consumers, because their soluble …
(FOS) have been considered a healthier alternative for consumers, because their soluble …