Industrial relationships and the effects of different types of connections

A Hadjikhani, P Thilenius - Industrial Marketing Management, 2009 - Elsevier
Emphasizing the primary and secondary functions in business networks, this paper is based
on the presumption that the primary function of the focal dyadic relationship is connected to …

Turbulence in business networks: A longitudinal study of mergers, acquisitions and bankruptcies involving Swedish IT-companies

P Dahlin - 2007 -
The research presented in this doctoral dissertation partly emanates from the work reported
in a preceding licentiate thesis1, in which the many mergers, acquisitions and bankruptcies …

Learning processes in an inter-organizational context: A study of krAft project

HV Fridriksson - 2008 -
Organizational learning has been an interesting topic for researchers and practitioners for
several years. Traditionally the focus within the organizational learning perspective has …

Framing static and dynamic time-periods through the teleological lens in the implementation process of enterprise resource planning

R Rodríguez, C Otero-Neira… - Journal of Business-to …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Purpose Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a technological tool which
improves and eases B to B communication and reinforces business relationships as well as …

Managing collaborative product development: a model for identifying key factors in product development projects

S Elfving - 2007 -
The increasing complexity of products and systems today has forced new processes,
methods, and tools for managing the development of products. It has also forced the …

Technology-based service experiences: A study of the functional and emotional dimensions in telecom services

S Sandström - 2008 -
Purpose–The aim of this article is to propose a framework for a new perspective on the total
service experience, which dimensions influence it, and how a service experience is linked to …

CSR och klädbranschen: Vilka effekter har H&Ms CSR-strategi?

B Abrahamsson, M Bodén - 2023 -
Purpose: The study aims to examine the relationship between how companies' work with
CSR (marketing) influences brand attitude and further purchase intention among consumers …

Integration of information technology in business relationships: Implications for the extended network

C Lindh, P Ekman - Extending the Business Network Approach: New …, 2016 - Springer
In this chapter we focus on information technology (IT) in industrial business networks,
suggesting that it constitutes a complex resource which can be used in a variety of ways and …

[PDF][PDF] SOA is a driver for Personalization

A Granebring, P Thilénius, P Révay - Proc. European Conference on …, 2006 - Citeseer
Everybody talk about SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), the flexible paradigm that
nowadays are running at large insurance companies, government agencies, as well as in …

Marketing AI in B2B relationships from an attentional perspective: A qualitative multiple case study on marketing managers from manufacturing and IT industries

O Ayad El Alam, P Kumlin - 2022 -
Purpose: To explore the influence of marketing AI on marketing managers' attention
allocation to leverage customer relationships in different business-to-business contexts …