Climate warming from managed grasslands cancels the cooling effect of carbon sinks in sparsely grazed and natural grasslands
Grasslands absorb and release carbon dioxide (CO2), emit methane (CH4) from grazing
livestock, and emit nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils. Little is known about how the fluxes of …
livestock, and emit nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils. Little is known about how the fluxes of …
Experimental socioecology: Integrative science for anthropocene landscape dynamics
The emergence of coupled natural and human landscapes marked a transformative interval
in the human past that set our species on the road to the urbanized, industrial world in which …
in the human past that set our species on the road to the urbanized, industrial world in which …
[CARTE][B] The causes and progression of desertification
H Geist - 2017 -
This book provides an examination into the causes and prospects of desertification through
a systematic review of 132 sub national case studies. It uses a meta-analytical model to …
a systematic review of 132 sub national case studies. It uses a meta-analytical model to …
Degradation of sandy arid shrubland environments: observations, process modelling, and management implications
Field remote sensing, and modelling observations from a degraded Mojave Desert
shrubland were used to develop a model of the progressive degradation of areas adjacent …
shrubland were used to develop a model of the progressive degradation of areas adjacent …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing and predicting land cover dynamics for environmental sustainability in Jordan's arid ecosystems using CA-Markov model
Jordan's arid ecosystems face a threat of environmental degradation due to increasing
human activities driven by a growing population and economy. This study assesses Land …
human activities driven by a growing population and economy. This study assesses Land …
Impact of climate and land use changes on water and food security in jordan: Implications for transcending “the tragedy of the commons”
This study investigates the impact of climate change and land use change on water
resources and food security in Jordan. The country is dominated by arid climate with limited …
resources and food security in Jordan. The country is dominated by arid climate with limited …
Land degradability map** using remote sensing data and soil chemical properties
Selection of the most influential soil properties to land degradability (LDy) map** and their
association is unclear. Accordingly, this study developed a geo-environmental modelling …
association is unclear. Accordingly, this study developed a geo-environmental modelling …
Drought and land use/land cover impact on dust sources in Southern Great Plains and Chihuahuan Desert of the US: Inferring anthropogenic effect
Exploring the effects of drought and land use/land cover (LULC) on aeolian dust emission is
important to enhance dust models to account for anthropogenic land surface change …
important to enhance dust models to account for anthropogenic land surface change …
Impacts of land use/cover change on soil properties in the Mediterranean region of northwestern Jordan
This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of deforestation on physical and chemical
properties of soils under native forest in the Mediterranean region of northwestern Jordan …
properties of soils under native forest in the Mediterranean region of northwestern Jordan …
[HTML][HTML] A remote sensing and GIS approach for prioritization of Wadi Shueib mini-watersheds (Central Jordan) based on morphometric and soil erosion susceptibility …
Recently watershed prioritization has become a pragmatic approach for watershed
management and natural resources development. Wadi Shueib is a Jordan Rift valley and …
management and natural resources development. Wadi Shueib is a Jordan Rift valley and …