From colloidal particles to photonic crystals: advances in self-assembly and their emerging applications
Over the last three decades, photonic crystals (PhCs) have attracted intense interests thanks
to their broad potential applications in optics and photonics. Generally, these structures can …
to their broad potential applications in optics and photonics. Generally, these structures can …
Beyond the visible: bioinspired infrared adaptive materials
Infrared (IR) adaptation phenomena are ubiquitous in nature and biological systems. Taking
inspiration from natural creatures, researchers have devoted extensive efforts for develo** …
inspiration from natural creatures, researchers have devoted extensive efforts for develo** …
Applications and challenges of thermoplasmonics
Over the past two decades, there has been a growing interest in the use of plasmonic
nanoparticles as sources of heat remotely controlled by light, giving rise to the field of …
nanoparticles as sources of heat remotely controlled by light, giving rise to the field of …
Nanophotonic engineering of far-field thermal emitters
Thermal emission is a ubiquitous and fundamental process by which all objects at non-zero
temperatures radiate electromagnetic energy. This process is often assumed to be …
temperatures radiate electromagnetic energy. This process is often assumed to be …
A review of solar photovoltaic systems cooling technologies
Cooling the operating surface is a key operational factor to take into consideration to
achieve higher efficiency when operating solar photovoltaic systems. Proper cooling can …
achieve higher efficiency when operating solar photovoltaic systems. Proper cooling can …
Self-assembly of highly efficient, broadband plasmonic absorbers for solar steam generation
The study of ideal absorbers, which can efficiently absorb light over a broad range of
wavelengths, is of fundamental importance, as well as critical for many applications from …
wavelengths, is of fundamental importance, as well as critical for many applications from …
Nonreciprocal thermal photonics for energy conversion and radiative heat transfer
Controlling emission and absorption, and radiative heat transfer, is important for photonic
energy conversion and thermal management. However, the reciprocal emission and …
energy conversion and thermal management. However, the reciprocal emission and …
Present efficiencies and future opportunities in thermophotovoltaics
Despite the relevance of thermophotovoltaic (TPV) conversion to many emerging energy
technologies, identifying which aspects of current TPV designs are favorable and where …
technologies, identifying which aspects of current TPV designs are favorable and where …
Near-perfect photon utilization in an air-bridge thermophotovoltaic cell
Thermophotovoltaic cells are similar to solar cells, but instead of converting solar radiation to
electricity, they are designed to utilize locally radiated heat. Development of high-efficiency …
electricity, they are designed to utilize locally radiated heat. Development of high-efficiency …
Radiative cooling of solar absorbers using a visibly transparent photonic crystal thermal blackbody
A solar absorber, under the sun, is heated up by sunlight. In many applications, including
solar cells and outdoor structures, the absorption of sunlight is intrinsic for either operational …
solar cells and outdoor structures, the absorption of sunlight is intrinsic for either operational …