Store Atmosphere, Diskon Harga dan Impulse Buying: Peran Mediasi Positive Emotion dalam Konteks Pengalaman Belanja

N Arianty, AD Purba - Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2023 -
Purpose–To identify the influence of Store Atmosphere, Price Discounts, impulse buying,
Store Atmosphere and Price Discounts on Positive Emotions and to explore the mediating …

Pengaruh Hedonic Shop** Motivation, Visual Merchandising, dan Store Atmosphere Terhadap Impulse Buying Melalui Positive Emotion Sebagai Variabel …

I Lutfiani, H Farisi, A Yuliana - Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis, Dan …, 2023 -
This research aims to analyze the impact of visual merchandising, store atmosphere, and
hedonic shop** motivation on impulse buying, with positive emotion as a mediator for …

Emotional shop** sebagai variabel mediasi gaya hidup dan motivasi belanja hedonis pada keputusan pembelian impulsif produk 3second

S Barokah, B Asriandhini, MM Putera - Maker: Jurnal Manajemen, 2021 -
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini, yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya hidup dan
motivasi belanja hedonis pada pembelian impulsif khususnya pada produk fashion dengan …

Customer emotion and impulse buying: the variables that influence repurchase intention

A Azizah, H Batoteng, S Hariyadi, F Barus… - … & Accounting Review …, 2024 -
This study explored customers' emotion characteristics that predict and influence purchase
intention. The study sought to understand customers' emotional responses and how they …

Buying decision: Ditinjau dari store atmosphere, price, dan word of mouth pada Toserba Duta Mojokerto

ZA Fitriyani - Ekombis Sains: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan Dan …, 2021 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel buying decision (Y) ditinjau
dari store atmosphere (X1), price (X2) dan word of mouth (X3) baik secara parsial maupun …

The mediating role of positive emotion in the influence of store atmosphere and price discount on impulse buying among hypermart customers in Indonesia

RH Wardana, B Barkah, BB Purmono… - Jurnal …, 2024 -
This research examines the impact of store atmosphere and price discounts on impulse
buying among consumers of Hypermart Department Store in Indonesia, with positive …

Pengaruh Shop** Life Style Dan Fashion Involvement Terhadap Perilaku Impulse Buying Karyawan Menengah Ke Atas Dki Jakarta

R Urmila - Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Organisasi, 2022 -
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jaman membuat wilayah DKI Jakarta terus melakukan
pembangunan tempat-tempat hiburan yang modern dimana menjadi penyebab terdapat …

Factors that affect the intention of consumers to buy food products online

E Luga, G Mehmeti - Economia agro-alimentare, 2024 -
Internet purchases are no longer a new form of purchase, but they are successfully
complementing conventional product sales channels. This study aims to understand factors …

The Impact of E-Wom, Shop** Lifestyle, and Sales Promotion on Online Impulsive Buying of Cosmetic Products at Shopee Marketplace

L Prakasiwi, A Nuvriasari - Research Horizon, 2024 -
This study aims to analyze the impact of E-Wom, Shop** Lifestyle, and Sales Promotion
on Online Impulsive Buying of Cosmetic Products at Shopee Marketplace. The sample used …