Store Atmosphere, Diskon Harga dan Impulse Buying: Peran Mediasi Positive Emotion dalam Konteks Pengalaman Belanja
N Arianty, AD Purba - Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis, 2023 - jurnal.umsu.ac.id
Purpose–To identify the influence of Store Atmosphere, Price Discounts, impulse buying,
Store Atmosphere and Price Discounts on Positive Emotions and to explore the mediating …
Store Atmosphere and Price Discounts on Positive Emotions and to explore the mediating …
Pengaruh Hedonic Shop** Motivation, Visual Merchandising, dan Store Atmosphere Terhadap Impulse Buying Melalui Positive Emotion Sebagai Variabel …
This research aims to analyze the impact of visual merchandising, store atmosphere, and
hedonic shop** motivation on impulse buying, with positive emotion as a mediator for …
hedonic shop** motivation on impulse buying, with positive emotion as a mediator for …
Emotional shop** sebagai variabel mediasi gaya hidup dan motivasi belanja hedonis pada keputusan pembelian impulsif produk 3second
S Barokah, B Asriandhini, MM Putera - Maker: Jurnal Manajemen, 2021 - maker.ac.id
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini, yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya hidup dan
motivasi belanja hedonis pada pembelian impulsif khususnya pada produk fashion dengan …
motivasi belanja hedonis pada pembelian impulsif khususnya pada produk fashion dengan …
Pengaruh Hedonic Shop** Value Dan Shop** Lifestyle Akan Impulse Buying Behavior Melalui Positive Emotion Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus Bagi …
M Nurjanah, S Asiyah… - E-JRM: Elektronik Jurnal …, 2023 - jim.unisma.ac.id
Customer emotion and impulse buying: the variables that influence repurchase intention
This study explored customers' emotion characteristics that predict and influence purchase
intention. The study sought to understand customers' emotional responses and how they …
intention. The study sought to understand customers' emotional responses and how they …
Buying decision: Ditinjau dari store atmosphere, price, dan word of mouth pada Toserba Duta Mojokerto
ZA Fitriyani - Ekombis Sains: Jurnal Ekonomi, Keuangan Dan …, 2021 - jurnal.saburai.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel buying decision (Y) ditinjau
dari store atmosphere (X1), price (X2) dan word of mouth (X3) baik secara parsial maupun …
dari store atmosphere (X1), price (X2) dan word of mouth (X3) baik secara parsial maupun …
The mediating role of positive emotion in the influence of store atmosphere and price discount on impulse buying among hypermart customers in Indonesia
This research examines the impact of store atmosphere and price discounts on impulse
buying among consumers of Hypermart Department Store in Indonesia, with positive …
buying among consumers of Hypermart Department Store in Indonesia, with positive …
Pengaruh Shop** Life Style Dan Fashion Involvement Terhadap Perilaku Impulse Buying Karyawan Menengah Ke Atas Dki Jakarta
R Urmila - Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Organisasi, 2022 - jurnal-cahayapatriot.org
Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jaman membuat wilayah DKI Jakarta terus melakukan
pembangunan tempat-tempat hiburan yang modern dimana menjadi penyebab terdapat …
pembangunan tempat-tempat hiburan yang modern dimana menjadi penyebab terdapat …
Factors that affect the intention of consumers to buy food products online
Internet purchases are no longer a new form of purchase, but they are successfully
complementing conventional product sales channels. This study aims to understand factors …
complementing conventional product sales channels. This study aims to understand factors …
The Impact of E-Wom, Shop** Lifestyle, and Sales Promotion on Online Impulsive Buying of Cosmetic Products at Shopee Marketplace
L Prakasiwi, A Nuvriasari - Research Horizon, 2024 - lifescifi.com
This study aims to analyze the impact of E-Wom, Shop** Lifestyle, and Sales Promotion
on Online Impulsive Buying of Cosmetic Products at Shopee Marketplace. The sample used …
on Online Impulsive Buying of Cosmetic Products at Shopee Marketplace. The sample used …