A review of the coordination chemistry of hydrothermal systems, or do coordination changes make ore deposits?
The hydration and complexation of metals in hydrothermal fluids are key processes
controlling the mobility of elements in the Earth's crust, leading to the formation of ore …
controlling the mobility of elements in the Earth's crust, leading to the formation of ore …
[HTML][HTML] Low temperature alteration of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfides as a source for hydrothermal Ni and PGE ores: A quantitative approach using automated …
Abstract Magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide assemblages are almost ubiquitously comprised of
pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite (-pyrite). Sulfide alteration is common during syn-or post …
pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite (-pyrite). Sulfide alteration is common during syn-or post …
A detailed assessment of global nickel resource trends and endowments
Nickel is a metal that reflects the technological advances of the twentieth and twenty-first
centuries, emerging as critically important for stainless steel and a variety of specialty metal …
centuries, emerging as critically important for stainless steel and a variety of specialty metal …
[HTML][HTML] From “strategic” tungsten to “green” neodymium: A century of critical metals at a glance
The relative criticality of mineral commodities is evaluated using a wide range of parameters
and in different contexts (eg, from the standpoint of their importance to national security, or to …
and in different contexts (eg, from the standpoint of their importance to national security, or to …
2D coupled HM-XFEM modeling with cohesive zone model and applications to fluid-driven fracture network
The present work focuses on a new numerical model for the fully coupled hydro-mechanical
analysis of groundwater flows through poroelastic saturated media. In particular, the …
analysis of groundwater flows through poroelastic saturated media. In particular, the …
A classification of mineral systems, overviews of plate tectonic margins and examples of ore deposits associated with convergent margins
F Pirajno - Gondwana Research, 2016 - Elsevier
In this contribution I presents definitions of mineral systems, followed by a proposed
classification of mineral deposits. The concept of mineral systems has been tackled by …
classification of mineral deposits. The concept of mineral systems has been tackled by …
A hydrothermal Ni-As-PGE geochemical halo around the Miitel komatiite-hosted nickel sulfide deposit, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
The remobilization of metals during postdeposition hydrothermal alteration of magmatic
sulfide ores has the potential to result in large haloes, the recognition of which could …
sulfide ores has the potential to result in large haloes, the recognition of which could …
[HTML][HTML] Incorporating conceptual and interpretation uncertainty to mineral prospectivity modelling
Prospectivity analyses are used to reduce the exploration search space for locating areas
prospective for mineral deposits. The scale of a study and the type of mineral system …
prospective for mineral deposits. The scale of a study and the type of mineral system …
Mobilization and fractionation of magmatic sulfide: Emplacement and deformation of the Munali Ni-(Cu-platinum group element) deposit, Zambia
Abstract Magmatic Ni-Cu-platinum group element (PGE) deposits are commonly located in
tectonically active regions that typically undergo significant deformation and metamorphism …
tectonically active regions that typically undergo significant deformation and metamorphism …
[HTML][HTML] Microstructure, trace element systematics and in-situ sulfur isotopes of multistage sulfides in the Kalatag district (East Tianshan, NW China): Implications for …
X Cheng, Z Wang, M Ling, X Geng, F Yang, F Wang… - Ore Geology …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract The Early Paleozoic arc-hosted volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits in the
Kalatag arc are well-known for their well-preserved and high-grade Cu–Zn sulfide …
Kalatag arc are well-known for their well-preserved and high-grade Cu–Zn sulfide …