On generating linguistic descriptions of time series
In this paper we provide a general approach for the concepts and processes related to the
generation of linguistic descriptions of time series. As we will see, this approach consists of …
generation of linguistic descriptions of time series. As we will see, this approach consists of …
New spark solutions for distributed frequent itemset and association rule mining algorithms
The large amount of data generated every day makes necessary the re-implementation of
new methods capable of handle with massive data efficiently. This is the case of Association …
new methods capable of handle with massive data efficiently. This is the case of Association …
[HTML][HTML] Spark solutions for discovering fuzzy association rules in Big Data
The high computational impact when mining fuzzy association rules grows significantly
when managing very large data sets, triggering in many cases a memory overflow error and …
when managing very large data sets, triggering in many cases a memory overflow error and …
[PDF][PDF] Association rules mining in big data
N Shakhovska, R Kaminskyy, E Zasoba, M Tsiutsiura - Computing, 2018 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
The paper proposes a method for Big data analyzing in the presence of different data
sources and different methods of processing these data. The Big data definition is given, the …
sources and different methods of processing these data. The Big data definition is given, the …
Mining text patterns over fake and real tweets
With the exponential growth of users and user-generated content present on online social
networks, fake news and its detection have become a major problem. Through these, smear …
networks, fake news and its detection have become a major problem. Through these, smear …
Decision support for improved service effectiveness using domain aware text mining
VR Khare, R Chougule - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper presents a decision support system 'Domain Aware Text & Association Mining
(DATAM)'which has been developed to improve after-sales service and repairs for the …
(DATAM)'which has been developed to improve after-sales service and repairs for the …
Formal framework for data mining with association rules and domain knowledge–overview of an approach
A formal framework for data mining with association rules is introduced. The framework is
based on a logical calculus of association rules which is enhanced by several formal tools …
based on a logical calculus of association rules which is enhanced by several formal tools …
Meta-association rules for mining interesting associations in multiple datasets
Association rules have been widely used in many application areas to extract new and
useful information expressed in a comprehensive way for decision makers from raw data …
useful information expressed in a comprehensive way for decision makers from raw data …
A formal model for mining fuzzy rules using the RL representation theory
Data mining techniques managing imprecision are very useful to obtain meaningful and
interesting information for the user. Among some other techniques, fuzzy association rules …
interesting information for the user. Among some other techniques, fuzzy association rules …
Orchestration of serverless functions for scalable association rule mining with apollo
In light of the enormous increase in data generated each day, machine learning
methodologies must be continuously improved and adapted to deal with ever-larger …
methodologies must be continuously improved and adapted to deal with ever-larger …