On generating linguistic descriptions of time series

N Marín, D Sánchez - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2016 - Elsevier
In this paper we provide a general approach for the concepts and processes related to the
generation of linguistic descriptions of time series. As we will see, this approach consists of …

New spark solutions for distributed frequent itemset and association rule mining algorithms

C Fernandez-Basso, MD Ruiz, MJ Martin-Bautista - Cluster Computing, 2024 - Springer
The large amount of data generated every day makes necessary the re-implementation of
new methods capable of handle with massive data efficiently. This is the case of Association …

[HTML][HTML] Spark solutions for discovering fuzzy association rules in Big Data

C Fernandez-Basso, MD Ruiz… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Elsevier
The high computational impact when mining fuzzy association rules grows significantly
when managing very large data sets, triggering in many cases a memory overflow error and …

[PDF][PDF] Association rules mining in big data

N Shakhovska, R Kaminskyy, E Zasoba, M Tsiutsiura - Computing, 2018 - irbis-nbuv.gov.ua
The paper proposes a method for Big data analyzing in the presence of different data
sources and different methods of processing these data. The Big data definition is given, the …

Mining text patterns over fake and real tweets

JA Díaz-García, C Fernandez-Basso, MD Ruiz… - … and Management of …, 2020 - Springer
With the exponential growth of users and user-generated content present on online social
networks, fake news and its detection have become a major problem. Through these, smear …

Decision support for improved service effectiveness using domain aware text mining

VR Khare, R Chougule - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper presents a decision support system 'Domain Aware Text & Association Mining
(DATAM)'which has been developed to improve after-sales service and repairs for the …

Formal framework for data mining with association rules and domain knowledge–overview of an approach

D Ślęzak, BCM Fung, WK Cheung… - Fundamenta …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
A formal framework for data mining with association rules is introduced. The framework is
based on a logical calculus of association rules which is enhanced by several formal tools …

Meta-association rules for mining interesting associations in multiple datasets

MD Ruiz, J Gómez-Romero, M Molina-Solana… - Applied Soft …, 2016 - Elsevier
Association rules have been widely used in many application areas to extract new and
useful information expressed in a comprehensive way for decision makers from raw data …

A formal model for mining fuzzy rules using the RL representation theory

M Delgado, MD Ruiz, D Sánchez, JM Serrano - Information Sciences, 2011 - Elsevier
Data mining techniques managing imprecision are very useful to obtain meaningful and
interesting information for the user. Among some other techniques, fuzzy association rules …

Orchestration of serverless functions for scalable association rule mining with apollo

M Shahin, N Janatian, JA Poveda, T Fahringer… - Authorea …, 2024 - techrxiv.org
In light of the enormous increase in data generated each day, machine learning
methodologies must be continuously improved and adapted to deal with ever-larger …