Exploration of the spin-isospin nuclear response function by neutrinos
J Delorme, M Ericson - Physics Letters B, 1985 - Elsevier
We study the possibility of exploring the collective character of the nuclear spin-isospin
longitudinal response by neutrino experiments. We discuss the kinematical conditions for …
longitudinal response by neutrino experiments. We discuss the kinematical conditions for …
[PDF][PDF] On the Design and Implementation of DSM-Threads.
F Mueller - PDPTA, 1997 - Citeseer
This paper discusses design goals, design decisions, and implementation choices of DSM-
Threads, a runtime system to support distributed threads with a distributed shared virtual …
Threads, a runtime system to support distributed threads with a distributed shared virtual …
Configuration et déploiement d'applications temps-réel réparties embarquées à l'aide d'un langage de description d'architecture
B Zalila - 2008 - pastel.hal.science
Building distributed real-time embedded systems (DRE) is a tedious task. In addition, real-
time applications must satisfy hard constraints to ensure they work correctly (meeting …
time applications must satisfy hard constraints to ensure they work correctly (meeting …
Contributions to middleware architectures to prototype distribution infrastructures
Distributed applications require specific middleware support for semantics and run-time
constraints for a wide range of hardware or software configurations. However, their full …
constraints for a wide range of hardware or software configurations. However, their full …
Damage clusters in molecular-ion-bombarded gold observed by transmission electron microscopy
Stereo electron microscopy of gold bombarded at room temperature with atomic and
molecular ions shows that the nature of damage clusters is sensitive to the density of …
molecular ions shows that the nature of damage clusters is sensitive to the density of …
CORBA & DSA: Divorce or marriage?
CORBA & DSA: Divorce or Marriage? Page 1 CORBA & DSA: Divorce or Marriage? Laurent
PAUTET, Thomas QUINOT, and Samuel TARDIEU {pautet,quinot,tardieu}@enst.fr ENST Paris …
PAUTET, Thomas QUINOT, and Samuel TARDIEU {pautet,quinot,tardieu}@enst.fr ENST Paris …
Inside the distributed systems annex
The current Ada revision tries as much as possible to provide the programmer with an easy
way to build distributed systems; in many cases, the programmer can easily modify its …
way to build distributed systems; in many cases, the programmer can easily modify its …
Architecture et Services des Intergiciels Temps Réel
J Hugues - 2005 - pastel.hal.science
Middleware for Distributed Real-time Embedded systems (DRE) must come with a complete
analysis of its properties, the proof of its correct execution and an evaluation of its impact on …
analysis of its properties, the proof of its correct execution and an evaluation of its impact on …
[PDF][PDF] Des vertus de la schizophrénie pour le prototypage d'applications à composants interopérables.
La schizophrénie dans le domaine des intergiciels vise à résoudre le problème
d'interopérabilité entre modèles de répartition, plus connu sous l'acronyme M2M pour …
d'interopérabilité entre modèles de répartition, plus connu sous l'acronyme M2M pour …
[PDF][PDF] Programming distributed fault tolerant systems: the replicAda approach
P de las Heras-Quirós… - Proceedings of the …, 1997 - dl.acm.org
During the last years, several toolkits for programming faulttolerant distributed systems have
been proposed. Unfortunately, most of them offer a low level interface that is difficult to …
been proposed. Unfortunately, most of them offer a low level interface that is difficult to …