Exploration of the spin-isospin nuclear response function by neutrinos

J Delorme, M Ericson - Physics Letters B, 1985 - Elsevier
We study the possibility of exploring the collective character of the nuclear spin-isospin
longitudinal response by neutrino experiments. We discuss the kinematical conditions for …

[PDF][PDF] On the Design and Implementation of DSM-Threads.

F Mueller - PDPTA, 1997 - Citeseer
This paper discusses design goals, design decisions, and implementation choices of DSM-
Threads, a runtime system to support distributed threads with a distributed shared virtual …

Configuration et déploiement d'applications temps-réel réparties embarquées à l'aide d'un langage de description d'architecture

B Zalila - 2008 - pastel.hal.science
Building distributed real-time embedded systems (DRE) is a tedious task. In addition, real-
time applications must satisfy hard constraints to ensure they work correctly (meeting …

Contributions to middleware architectures to prototype distribution infrastructures

J Hugues, L Pautet, F Kordon - 14th IEEE International …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Distributed applications require specific middleware support for semantics and run-time
constraints for a wide range of hardware or software configurations. However, their full …

Damage clusters in molecular-ion-bombarded gold observed by transmission electron microscopy

MO Ruault, J Chaumont, H Bernas, P Sigmund - Physical Review Letters, 1976 - APS
Stereo electron microscopy of gold bombarded at room temperature with atomic and
molecular ions shows that the nature of damage clusters is sensitive to the density of …

CORBA & DSA: Divorce or marriage?

L Pautet, T Quinot, S Tardieu - International Conference on Reliable …, 1999 - Springer
CORBA & DSA: Divorce or Marriage? Page 1 CORBA & DSA: Divorce or Marriage? Laurent
PAUTET, Thomas QUINOT, and Samuel TARDIEU {pautet,quinot,tardieu}@enst.fr ENST Paris …

Inside the distributed systems annex

L Pautet, S Tardieu - International Conference on Reliable Software …, 1998 - Springer
The current Ada revision tries as much as possible to provide the programmer with an easy
way to build distributed systems; in many cases, the programmer can easily modify its …

Architecture et Services des Intergiciels Temps Réel

J Hugues - 2005 - pastel.hal.science
Middleware for Distributed Real-time Embedded systems (DRE) must come with a complete
analysis of its properties, the proof of its correct execution and an evaluation of its impact on …

[PDF][PDF] Des vertus de la schizophrénie pour le prototypage d'applications à composants interopérables.

L Pautet, F Kordon - TSI-Technique et Science Informatiques, 2004 - academia.edu
La schizophrénie dans le domaine des intergiciels vise à résoudre le problème
d'interopérabilité entre modèles de répartition, plus connu sous l'acronyme M2M pour …

[PDF][PDF] Programming distributed fault tolerant systems: the replicAda approach

P de las Heras-Quirós… - Proceedings of the …, 1997 - dl.acm.org
During the last years, several toolkits for programming faulttolerant distributed systems have
been proposed. Unfortunately, most of them offer a low level interface that is difficult to …