Physical layer security for next generation wireless networks: Theories, technologies, and challenges
Physical layer security (PHY-security) takes the advantages of channel randomness nature
of transmission media to achieve communication confidentiality and authentication. Wiretap …
of transmission media to achieve communication confidentiality and authentication. Wiretap …
Principles of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks: A survey
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in
multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical layer security is to enable the …
multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical layer security is to enable the …
Intelligent reflecting surface: A programmable wireless environment for physical layer security
In this paper, we introduce an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) to provide a programmable
wireless environment for physical layer security. By adjusting the reflecting coefficients, the …
wireless environment for physical layer security. By adjusting the reflecting coefficients, the …
A survey of intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs): Towards 6G wireless communication networks
J Zhao - ar** without upper layer data encryption. However, they are hampered by …
Cooperative jamming for physical layer security enhancement in Internet of Things
Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an emerging paradigm to achieve ubiquitous
connectivity, via massive deployment of physical objects, such as sensors, controllers, and …
connectivity, via massive deployment of physical objects, such as sensors, controllers, and …
Secure transmission with multiple antennas—Part II: The MIMOME wiretap channel
A Khisti, GW Wornell - IEEE Transactions on Information …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The capacity of the Gaussian wiretap channel model is analyzed when there are multiple
antennas at the sender, intended receiver and eavesdropper. The associated channel …
antennas at the sender, intended receiver and eavesdropper. The associated channel …
Secrecy wireless information and power transfer with MISO beamforming
The dual use of radio signal for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
(SWIPT) has recently drawn significant attention. To meet the practical requirement that the …
(SWIPT) has recently drawn significant attention. To meet the practical requirement that the …