Internal whistleblowing systems–new standards for active security management and protection against systemic risks
Purpose: The article analyzes contemporary conditions for the emergence of complex
systemic threats resulting from the development of the risk industry. The authors are looking …
systemic threats resulting from the development of the risk industry. The authors are looking …
[PDF][PDF] The Influence of an International Research Project on Development of Innovativeness of Local Government Units–A Case Study of the Avatar Project
International research projects, carried out in cooperation with national partners, such as
local government units and universities, and foreign entities, financed from the European …
local government units and universities, and foreign entities, financed from the European …
Multidimensional analysis of factors affecting changes in population of people in the European Union states in terms of social security in Poland
B Kozicki, B Sowa, J Tomaszewski - 2024 -
The multidimensional comparative analysis of factors influencing the change in the human
population in selected European countries in terms of social security in Poland was …
population in selected European countries in terms of social security in Poland was …
Wielowymiarowa analiza czynników mających wpływ na zmiany populacji ludzi w państwach Unii Europejskiej w aspekcie zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa społecznego …
B Kozicki, B Sowa, J Tomaszewski - Polityka i Społeczeństwo, 2024 -
The multidimensional comparative analysis of factors influencing the change in the human
population in selected European countries in terms of social security in Poland was …
population in selected European countries in terms of social security in Poland was …
Rola służb mundurowych w zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej–wybrane zagadnienia
Problem bezpieczeństwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w XXI wieku narasta z racji niebywałego
rozwoju nauki i techniki. Postęp cywilizacyjny prowadzi do zagrożeń, takich jak postępująca …
rozwoju nauki i techniki. Postęp cywilizacyjny prowadzi do zagrożeń, takich jak postępująca …