Quantum simulation
Simulating quantum mechanics is known to be a difficult computational problem, especially
when dealing with large systems. However, this difficulty may be overcome by using some …
when dealing with large systems. However, this difficulty may be overcome by using some …
Quantum simulations and many-body physics with light
In this review we discuss the works in the area of quantum simulation and many-body
physics with light, from the early proposals on equilibrium models to the more recent works …
physics with light, from the early proposals on equilibrium models to the more recent works …
Quantum many‐body phenomena in coupled cavity arrays
The increasing level of experimental control over atomic and optical systems gained in
recent years has paved the way for the exploration of new physical regimes in quantum …
recent years has paved the way for the exploration of new physical regimes in quantum …
Heralded nonlocal quantum gates for distributed quantum computation in a decoherence-free subspace
We propose a heralded protocol for implementing nontrivial quantum gates on two
stationary qubits coupled to spatially separated cavities. By dynamically controlling the …
stationary qubits coupled to spatially separated cavities. By dynamically controlling the …
Coupled cavities for motional ground-state cooling and strong optomechanical coupling
Motional ground-state cooling and quantum-coherent manipulation of mesoscopic
mechanical systems are crucial goals in both fundamental physics and applied science. We …
mechanical systems are crucial goals in both fundamental physics and applied science. We …
Many-body phenomena in QED-cavity arrays
A Tomadin, R Fazio - Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2010 - opg.optica.org
Coupled quantum electrodynamics (QED) cavities have been recently proposed as new
systems to simulate a variety of equilibrium and nonequilibrium many-body phenomena. We …
systems to simulate a variety of equilibrium and nonequilibrium many-body phenomena. We …
Nonreciprocal quantum-state conversion between microwave and optical photons
L Tian, Z Li - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
Optoelectromechanical quantum interfaces can be utilized to connect systems with
distinctively different frequencies in hybrid quantum networks. Here we present a scheme of …
distinctively different frequencies in hybrid quantum networks. Here we present a scheme of …
Coherent polariton dynamics in coupled highly dissipative cavities
The coherent light-matter interaction at the single-photon and electronic qubit level promises
to be a remarkable potential for nonclassical information processing. Besides the efforts of …
to be a remarkable potential for nonclassical information processing. Besides the efforts of …
Photon correlations in a two-site nonlinear cavity system under coherent drive and dissipation
We calculate the normalized second-order correlation function for a system of two tunnel-
coupled photonic resonators, each one exhibiting a single-photon nonlinearity of the Kerr …
coupled photonic resonators, each one exhibiting a single-photon nonlinearity of the Kerr …
Generation of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entangled states of photons in multiple cavities via a superconducting qutrit or an atom through resonant interaction
We propose an efficient method to generate a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entangled state
of n photons in n microwave cavities (or resonators) via resonant interaction to a single …
of n photons in n microwave cavities (or resonators) via resonant interaction to a single …