Lump soliton wave solutions for the (2+ 1)-dimensional Konopelchenko–Dubrovsky equation and KdV equation
MMA Khater, D Lu, RAM Attia - Modern Physics Letters B, 2019 - World Scientific
This paper studies (2+ 1)-dimensional Konopelchenko–Dubrovsky equation and (2+ 1)-
dimensional KdV equation via a modified auxiliary equation technique. These two systems …
dimensional KdV equation via a modified auxiliary equation technique. These two systems …
Certain (2+ 1)-dimensional multi-soliton asymptotics in the shallow water
XH Wu, YT Gao - Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili I equation, which describes the variation
of shallow-water wave amplitude in the transverse direction, making it applicable to the …
of shallow-water wave amplitude in the transverse direction, making it applicable to the …
Superposition solutions to the extended KdV equation for water surface waves
The KdV equation can be derived in the shallow water limit of the Euler equations. Over the
last few decades, this equation has been extended to include higher-order effects. Although …
last few decades, this equation has been extended to include higher-order effects. Although …
The Whitham equation for hydroelastic waves
A weakly nonlinear fully dispersive model equation is derived which describes the
propagation of waves in a thin elastic body overlying an incompressible inviscid fluid. The …
propagation of waves in a thin elastic body overlying an incompressible inviscid fluid. The …
The spatial Whitham equation
The Whitham equation is a non-local, nonlinear partial differential equation that models the
temporal evolution of spatial profiles of surface displacement of water waves. However …
temporal evolution of spatial profiles of surface displacement of water waves. However …
[HTML][HTML] On the exponential solutions to three extracts from extended fifth-order KdV equation
An extended fifth order Korteweg-de-Vries (efKdV) equation is an important equation in
fluids dynamics for the description of nonlinear wave processes, and contains quite a …
fluids dynamics for the description of nonlinear wave processes, and contains quite a …
A kinematic conservation law in free surface flow
Abstract The Green–Naghdi system is used to model highly nonlinear weakly dispersive
waves propagating at the surface of a shallow layer of a perfect fluid. The system has three …
waves propagating at the surface of a shallow layer of a perfect fluid. The system has three …
Convergence of mechanical balance laws for water waves: from KdV to Euler
This article takes into account the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation as an approximate
model of long waves of small amplitude at the free surface with inviscid fluid. It is …
model of long waves of small amplitude at the free surface with inviscid fluid. It is …
A novel non-isospectral hierarchy and soliton wave dynamics for a parity-time-symmetric nonlocal vector nonlinear Gross–Pitaevskii equations
F Yu - Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical …, 2019 - Elsevier
Starting from a non-isospectral problem, we derive a hierarchy of nonlocal vector Gross-
Pitaevskii (NVGP) equations with space-time external potential, which includes the nonlocal …
Pitaevskii (NVGP) equations with space-time external potential, which includes the nonlocal …
Energy invariant for shallow-water waves and the Korteweg–de Vries equation: Doubts about the invariance of energy
It is well known that the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation has an infinite set of conserved
quantities. The first three are often considered to represent mass, momentum, and energy …
quantities. The first three are often considered to represent mass, momentum, and energy …