Active tectonics in the Sierra Nevada (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain): Insights from geomorphic indexes and drainage pattern analysis
The Sierra Nevada of the central Betic Cordillera is a 3000m-high mountain range
surrounded by Neogene–Quaternary sedimentary basins, having been uplifted since Late …
surrounded by Neogene–Quaternary sedimentary basins, having been uplifted since Late …
[КНИГА][B] Rivers in the Landscape
E Wohl - 2020 - books.google.com
Rivers are the great shapers of terrestrial landscapes. Very few points on Earth above sea
level do not lie within a drainage basin. Even points distant from the nearest channel are …
level do not lie within a drainage basin. Even points distant from the nearest channel are …
The hypsometric integral based on digital elevation model for the area west of Lvliang Mountains in Loess Plateau, Shanxi, China
Y Duan, X Pei, X Zhang - Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022 - frontiersin.org
A hypsometric integral (HI) is a topographical index with important geomorphological
meaning. It can both describe the development state of the watershed and reflect the …
meaning. It can both describe the development state of the watershed and reflect the …
SwathProfiler and NProfiler: Two new ArcGIS Add-ins for the automatic extraction of swath and normalized river profiles
The present-day great availability of high-resolution Digital Elevation Models has improved
tectonic geomorphology analyses in their methodological aspects and geological meaning …
tectonic geomorphology analyses in their methodological aspects and geological meaning …
Geomorphic evidence of active tectonics in the Sierra Alhamilla (eastern Betics, SE Spain)
Active tectonic deformation influencing the streams and hillslopes of the Sierra Alhamilla
ridge (anticlinorium) in southeast Spain is related to the dextral-reverse Polopos Fault Zone …
ridge (anticlinorium) in southeast Spain is related to the dextral-reverse Polopos Fault Zone …
Tectonic deformation and landscape evolution inducing mass rock creep driven landslides: the Loumar case-study (Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt, Iran)
Several landscape evolution models have been proposed so far to explain the dynamic
feedback between Earth surface processes and tectonics in the Zagros Mountains …
feedback between Earth surface processes and tectonics in the Zagros Mountains …
DEM-based analysis of interactions between tectonics and landscapes in the Ore Mountains and Eger Rift (East Germany and NW Czech Republic)
L Andreani, KP Stanek, R Gloaguen, O Krentz… - Remote Sensing, 2014 - mdpi.com
Tectonics modify the base-level of rivers and result in the progressive erosion of landscapes.
We propose here a new method to classify landscapes according to their erosional stages …
We propose here a new method to classify landscapes according to their erosional stages …
Tectono-climatic influence on landscape changes in the glaciated Durung Drung basin, Zanskar Himalaya, India: a geospatial approach
This study aims at assessing the tectonic and climatic responses to landscape changes
transpired in the Durung Drung basin in the Zanskar Himalaya. We used relevant …
transpired in the Durung Drung basin in the Zanskar Himalaya. We used relevant …
Hydro-geomorphic characteristics of the Indian (Peninsular) catchments: Based on morphometric correlation with hydro-sedimentary data
S Das - Advances in Space Research, 2021 - Elsevier
In terms of hydro-geomorphic characteristics, catchments in Peninsular India remained
mostly unexplored except a few regional and local works that deal with tectonic, structural …
mostly unexplored except a few regional and local works that deal with tectonic, structural …
Relative timing of uplift along the Zagros Mountain Front Flexure (Kurdistan Region of Iraq): Constrained by geomorphic indices and landscape evolution modeling
The Mountain Front Flexure marks a dominant topographic step in the frontal part of the
Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt. It is characterized by numerous active anticlines atop of a …
Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt. It is characterized by numerous active anticlines atop of a …