A meta-analysis of the gender gap (s) in venture funding: Funder-and entrepreneur-driven perspectives

M Geiger - Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2020 - Elsevier
Using gender homophily and gender socialization as theoretical foundations, the current
study takes the position that both funder-driven (supply-side) and entrepreneur-driven …

Creating an entrepreneurial learning environment for entrepreneurship education in HE: The educator's perspective

S Ilonen - Industry and Higher Education, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper focuses on entrepreneurship educators as creators of an entrepreneurial
learning environment in entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education research …

Doing diversity in entrepreneurial accelerators: A mentor's view of tools, translations, and the (re) production of social structures

B Campbell - Scandinavian Journal of Management, 2024 - Elsevier
In this article, I draw upon social practice theories as a way to understand the persistent lack
of diversity in entrepreneurship as inter-related nexuses of practices. The article presents …

Academic entrepreneurship education: Does gender matter?

X Justus - SHS Web of Conferences, 2021 - shs-conferences.org
Academic entrepreneurship education aims to train and raise awareness amongst students
about entrepreneurial activity, thereby increasing the number of academic start-ups and spin …

The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, and Gender on Entrepreneurial Intention

O Usman, J Widyanti - … Gender on Entrepreneurial Intention (July 7 …, 2020 - papers.ssrn.com
The aim of this research it to examine 1. Entrepreneurship Education towards
Entrepreneurial Intention, have a huge effect, 2. Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy against …

On the Relationship Between Personality Traits of Private Entrepreneurs and Innovation Performance of Businesses-A Case Study of Tian**

L Botian - 2022 - search.proquest.com
The way to enhance the innovation level and improve the innovation performance of
enterprises has become an urgent problem for many private enterprises. This thesis will …

Atvinnu-og verðmætasköpun í kjölfar vísifjárfestinga á Íslandi

K Ágústsdóttir, US Vilhjálmsdóttir - skemman.is
Ýmsar áskoranir herja á efnahagskerfi og vinnumarkaði þjóða. Umhverfisþættir undirstrika
sífellt betur mikilvægi nýsköpunar. Kórónuveirufaraldurinn hefur haft feiknamikil áhrif á …